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How to switch the perspective of League of Heroes mobile game

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2021-11-25 09:50:04
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1. The first way is that after entering the game, you can see the avatar of your teammates in the upper left corner, and we can click their avatar to see the corresponding perspective of the other party; 2. The second method is that you can move on the small map and slide it to see the corresponding position. This method is not as stable as the first one; 3. The third method is to directly click a point on the map, which is not accurate enough. In fact, the first method is the most helpful to us.

 How to switch the perspective of League of Heroes mobile game

What's the use of changing the perspective of League of Heroes mobile games

Because the league of heroes mobile game is not a one-man game, we should pay great attention to team cooperation, especially all kinds of support and gank's understanding of perspective.

Other locations are good. It is most necessary to switch the perspective between auxiliary and field fighting, because it is necessary to control the battle situation of the map in a timely manner.

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