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Why does the League of Heroes mobile game keep circling

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2021-10-28 10:40:59
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There are three main reasons why the League of Heroes mobile game has been unable to enter the circle. The first is that the server is currently being updated and maintained or there are too many people logging in at the same time, resulting in server congestion; The second is that the current player client version is low, which makes it impossible to connect to the server; The third is the poor network condition. Therefore, the partners can choose the corresponding way to deal with it according to their own actual situation, so as to better play the game and obtain landing opportunities.

 Why does the League of Heroes mobile game keep circling

What should I do if I can't get in the circle all the time

If there is a problem with the network, you can switch the network, enter the area with good network or complete the installation of tizi; If the version is incorrect, update it; If the game is maintained or crowded, just wait for a while.

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