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How does PS integrate the picture into the background

2020-10-07 14:45:46
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Software version: Adobe Photoshop 2019

Operating system: win10 1909 64 bit enterprise edition

How does PS integrate the picture into the background Let's have a look.

Method 1

Open two pictures in ps, and put one picture on the other with the selection tool

 How does PS integrate the picture into the background

Put it in the right place

 How ps blends the picture into the background (1)

On the layer panel, select the layer you want to blend into the picture, and click the mask button to create the mask layer.

 How ps blends the picture into the background (2)

Then set the foreground color to black and the background color to white

 How ps blends the picture into the background (3)

Use the gradient tool, select the mirror gradient, and pull out the gradient. Sometimes the picture is not exactly square, and some edges are not wanted

 How ps blends the picture into the background (4)

You need to use the brush tool

 How ps blends the picture into the background (5)

Brush selection edge with transition effect

 How ps blends the picture into the background (6)

Paint around a little

 How ps blends the picture into the background (7)

Method 2

Use the Lasso tool to create a selection on the picture

 How ps blends the picture into the background (8)

Right click and select [Feather] to set an appropriate feather value

 How ps blends the picture into the background (9)

Right click the selection area again and select [Reverse Selection]

 How ps blends the picture into the background (10)

You can see the reverse selection area. At this time, press the [Delete] key on the keyboard to see the effect

 How ps blends the picture into the background (11)

There may be some minor defects, just use the mask and brush in Method 1 to decorate

 How ps blends the picture into the background (12)

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