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Master Lu, what's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk

2019-10-31 09:54:56
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With the development of society, computers have become an indispensable tool in our daily work and life, Master Lu It is one of the necessary software for our computers. It can test the temperature inside the computer and the performance of the computer. Many users have the problem of always giving high temperature alarms. Let's take a look at Master Lu's report on the high temperature of the hard disk.

Master Lu's Steps to Solve the Excessive Temperature of Hard Disk

1. First, enter the temperature management column, find the high temperature alarm option, which is enabled by default, and click Set.

2. In the interface of Master Lu's setting center, set the temperature, and there will be no alarm.

3. System garbage problem: the temperature is too high due to too much garbage generated during hardware and system operation.

4. Memory problem: It may be that the memory is too high. Users can use the memory release function provided by Master Lu.

5. You can also use the task manager that comes with your computer.

6. Dust accumulation problem: After a period of use, the CPU cooling and other hardware will definitely accumulate a certain amount of dust.

Master Lu's operation steps to solve the problem of high temperature of hard disk

01 First, you need to enter the temperature management column and find the high temperature alarm option in the lower right corner. This option is enabled by default in daily use. Click the setting option to enter the setting interface.

 Master Lu, what's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk

02 In the interface of Master Lu's setting center, set the temperature, and there will be no alarm.

 Master Lu: What's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk (1)

03 System garbage problem: The temperature is too high due to too much garbage generated during the hardware and system operation. Just go to Master Lu's cleaning optimization column, click the start scanning option, and you can start cleaning after running the scan. After cleaning, you can definitely improve your running speed and reduce the possibility of high temperature.

 Master Lu: What's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk (2)

04 Memory problem: the problem of high memory usage. Users can use the memory releaser function provided by Master Lu, and only need to press one key to release the memory to clean up the temperature problem caused by high memory.

 Master Lu: What's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk (3)

05 You can also use the task manager that comes with your computer.

 Master Lu: What's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk (4)

06 Dust accumulation problem: After a period of use, a certain amount of dust will definitely accumulate on hardware such as CPU heat dissipation, which is an important reason for the high temperature of hardware. Find an open place and a hair dryer can solve all problems.

 Master Lu: What's wrong with the high temperature of the hard disk (5)

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