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Yinzhuo Environmental v20210001 free download

Yinzhuo environmental protection app is an office management software focusing on environmental protection. Yinzhuo environmental protection app provides functions such as implementation conditions, historical data, hourly data, and daily data to facilitate enterprise management.

Software Introduction

Yinzhuo environmental protection app is an environmental protection management software created by Suzhou Yinzhuo Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. Suzhou Yinzhuo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the research and development of intelligent Internet of Things, environmental protection community, intelligent environmental protection terminal equipment manufacturing and research and development, and deepens the intelligent Internet of Things industry.

 Yinzhuo Environmental Protection

software function

1. The latest data is uploaded in real time, and the device status is clear at a glance

2. Free viewing of previous data and one-step statistical analysis

3. Water quality monitoring of fugitive dust at VOC air station pollution source construction site

4. Yinzhuo environmental protection app supports intelligent over limit warning

Software features

1. It is very practical to improve the level of pollution control and environmental protection management of enterprises;

2. It is very convenient to provide the supervision efficiency of the environmental protection administrative department;

3. Online monitoring data can be viewed in real-time in Yinzhuo Environmental Protection App, which is very comprehensive.

Update log

Environment friendly mobile app download
 Environment friendly mobile app download
The environmental protection APP is a software for users to learn about environmental protection, understand environmental protection and protect the environment. In this software, players can not only learn about environmental news and trends at home and abroad, but also provide suggestions for environmental protection and make contributions to protecting a green environment.
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1st floor net friend 23-03-05 14:27:16

It's easy to use haha. I like this Yinzhuo environmental protection best, but nothing else is good..

2nd floor net friend 23-03-05 10:27:53

Hehe, I didn't expect that so many people would spray on Yinzhuo Environmental Protection, would you use it? I am stupid and complain that the software is not good. Learn more and come back.

3rd floor net friend 23-03-05 01:16:34

I found that compared with the previous version, the 3.6 beta Yinzhuo Environmental Protection is not easy to crash. It's good

4th floor net friend 23-03-03 20:08:22

Open the editing content and you can edit the text directly. Good

5F net friend 23-03-02 13:14:25

I won't download Yinzhuo Environmental Protection. Who can help me.

6th floor net friend 23-03-02 09:23:19

Download Yinzhuo Environmental Protection. I hope it can be used normally, and don't encounter bugs

7th floor net friend 23-03-02 04:46:36

I think Yinzhuo environmental protection software is very good. It supports Cloud Knight, and I hope it will be better and better!

8th floor net friend 23-03-01 12:06:24

Yinzhuo environmental protection of domestic software is easy to use, and you have the opportunity to experience other types of

9th floor net friend 23-02-28 12:11:03

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10th floor net friend 23-02-27 03:06:29

What's wrong with Yinzhuo Environmental Protection? Don't beep if you don't understand. You have no quality at all

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