
Service Centre

Our works cover a wide range and have powerful functions. We can quickly create a personalized platform system in a one-stop manner. From the market to the specific requirements, from the interface layout to the standard documents, a complete solution is provided.

New Year Gift Bag for Yutang Enterprises to Build Stations

This Spring Festival gift package aims to provide enterprises with one-stop website construction solutions, help enterprises build their own brand image on multiple platforms, and improve brand awareness and user interaction. Whether on the computer side, mobile phone side or social media platform, enterprises can easily build their own

Yutang Consulting Services

Yutang information consulting service technical guidance zblog plug-in development guidance: 3999/month zblog template development guidance: 3999/month thinkcmf application development guidance: 3999/month consulting service remote consulting service: 299/hour on-site consulting service: 349/hour

Yutang Salary Management System

The value of digital personnel solutions

Yutang ERP agricultural material purchase, sales and storage management system

Yutang ERP agricultural inputs purchase, sales and storage management system is a management system for agricultural inputs purchase, sales and storage specially developed for agricultural inputs dealers, retailers and chain stores. The scanning gun can scan the code (two-dimensional code or barcode) to complete the purchase, wholesale and retail of agricultural products such as pesticides, veterinary drugs, seeds and other categories on the computer. Branch

Henan Tang Agricultural Means of Production Traceability Query System

Query of agricultural means of production registration number Query the label information of agricultural means of production online, and query more information about brand enterprises and enterprises. By querying the registration certificate number, manufacturer and product name of the product, you can find out the detailed information of the product and identify the fake and inferior products without certificates or posing as fake certificates. [Check pesticide]: Input the registration certificate number to check

Yutang tracing and anti fleeing (anti-counterfeiting tracing) system

Yutang anti fleeing goods management system uses the unique identity code of the product and data collection in the circulation link to ensure that the flow of the product is maintained with the products delivered by the manufacturer and dealers