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Explosion proof wall manufacturer Yongrun introduces 7 performance points of explosion proof wall

    Explosion proof wall manufacturer Yongrun introduces 7 performances of blast wall:
1. Anti explosion and impact resistance: the single point anti explosion pressure value can reach 2MPa, so as to protect one or both sides of the wall from harm;
2. Lightweight: the weight of the wall system is about 100kg/㎡;

3. Wall potential: self bearing structure, single wall can reach 20m;

 Blast resistant wall

4. Fire resistance: the blast resistant wall can last up to 4 hours;
5. Fire and damp proof: it can be used under various complex working conditions;
6. Simple construction: dry operation, on-site assembly, fast construction speed;
7. Insulation: the cavity structure can meet the insulation performance of internal and external walls;