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Civil works of the third and fourth factory buildings and supporting production facilities of Jianding (Hubei) Electronics Co., Ltd. - 2013.203 Resource recovery and waste water treatment plant explosion relief wall works

    Explosion relief wall What material is it? First of all, we need to understand what is an explosion venting wall. The function of the explosion venting wall is basically understood as that when deflagration occurs, the wall is damaged, but the overall structural frame is not damaged. The wall materials and wall practices that can achieve this function can be called explosion venting walls. There is no specific material called explosion venting walls or explosion venting plates.

 Explosion relief wall

The structure of the explosion relief wall system is flexible and changeable. The honeycomb structure is adopted, which can be well connected with other rigid structures. During construction, only holes are needed. The working principle of the explosion venting wallboard, which can reduce the power of the explosion venting wallboard and control it within a certain vibration range, is that the explosion-proof material does not need other complicated processes, and the operation is simple and convenient. The surface is galvanized steel material, which can enhance the impact resistance.
Lightweight discharge burst wall The parts of the body (excluding structural columns and wall beams) are made of lightweight materials. When an accident occurs inside the building, it has pressure relief effect. The purpose of pressure relief is to ensure the main structure of the building. The light and fragile wall is also composed of light and fragile materials (excluding structural columns and wall beams). When an accident occurs inside the building, it not only has the pressure relief effect, but also breaks into small pieces, reducing the impact on the outside of the building.