Oil and gas storage and transportation network

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Six methods of oil inventory management
 Six methods of oil inventory management
This article will introduce six methods of oil inventory management: quantitative order method, regular order method, ABC inventory management method, MRP inventory control method, JIT inventory management method and CVA inventory management method.
Classification:    2017-8-23 08:25
Metal anti-corrosion methods in petroleum storage and transportation
 Metal anti-corrosion methods in petroleum storage and transportation
During the storage and transportation of petroleum commodities, due to metal corrosion, containers, pipelines and equipment will be damaged, and even oil leakage accidents will occur. The oxidation products produced by metal corrosion will increase the content of mechanical impurities in oil products and accelerate the oxidation of oil products, affecting the quality of oil products. Therefore, attention must be paid to the anti-corrosion work of metal equipment in oil depots.
Classification:    2017-8-21 09:10
Detailed introduction of anti poison measures for oil storage and transportation
 Detailed introduction of anti poison measures for oil storage and transportation
Oil products are toxic. How to prevent them during storage and transportation? The following is a detailed introduction to the anti poison measures for oil storage and transportation.
Classification:    2017-8-18 08:28
Generation and preventive measures of static electricity in the process of oil receiving, delivery, storage and transportation
 Generation and preventive measures of static electricity in the process of oil receiving, delivery, storage and transportation
It is easy to generate static electricity in the process of oil receiving, dispatching, storage and transportation. How to take measures to prevent it? The professionals of oil and gas storage and transportation engineering will summarize the generation of static electricity and preventive measures.
Classification:    2017-8-17 08:20
Fire and explosion prevention measures in oil storage and transportation
 Fire and explosion prevention measures in oil storage and transportation
Petroleum commodities are flammable, explosive, easy to generate static electricity and have certain toxic effects on human body. The safety properties of oil products are shown in the table below. Because oil products are dangerous to some extent, during storage and use, we should strictly abide by the safety management system and relevant operating procedures, pay more attention to fire prevention and explosion prevention, so as to prevent accidents
Classification:    2017-8-15 08:41
Introduction to Fire Extinguishers Commonly Used in Oil Storage and Transportation
 Introduction to Fire Extinguishers Commonly Used in Oil Storage and Transportation
Appropriate, effective and sufficient fire-fighting equipment shall be provided in the workplace where oil is stored, sent and received, stored and transported, and used according to the safety regulations, so that the fire can be extinguished quickly at the beginning of the fire. Commonly used fire-fighting equipment are as follows: fire sandbox, asbestos quilt, foam extinguisher, carbon dioxide extinguisher, dry powder extinguisher
Classification:    2017-8-14 09:40
Iraq's transnational oil transportation plan is rejected
 Iraq's transnational oil transportation plan is rejected
Officials from Kirkuk province in northern Iraq said that Kirkuk province refused to cooperate with any plan to transport its oil to neighboring Iran because the central government did not consult with it on this matter.
Classification:    2017-8-9 08:33
Kunlun Energy and Gas Customer Service Hotline 96107 opened
 Kunlun Energy and Gas Customer Service Hotline 96107 opened
At 14:00 on July 28, the first provincial gas comprehensive customer service center of Kunlun Energy was officially inaugurated in Yunnan. The multi-functional, intelligent and professional 96107 customer service hotline can provide all-weather "one-stop" gas business services for users throughout the province.
Classification:    2017-8-8 08:30
Uganda Tanzania pipeline: the world's longest electrically heated oil pipeline
 Uganda Tanzania pipeline: the world's longest electrically heated oil pipeline
The world's longest electrically heated oil pipeline laid its foundation in Tanga, Tanzania on the 5th, with Tanzanian President Magufuli, Ugandan President Museveni and officials from both countries participating in the ceremony.
Classification:    2017-8-7 08:55
Regional distribution of colleges offering oil and gas storage and transportation engineering
 Regional distribution of colleges offering oil and gas storage and transportation engineering
When filling in the college entrance examination, what are the better universities in the oil and gas storage and transportation engineering major? This is a concern of the majority of examinees. The following is a classified introduction by region.
Classification:    2017-8-4 08:31
Introduction to employment of oil and gas storage and transportation project: salary of the employer
 Introduction to employment of oil and gas storage and transportation project: salary of the employer
This article introduces the storage and transportation companies for the vast number of storage and transportation students, including the corresponding employment companies of the oil storage and transportation specialty, the employment direction of the oil and gas storage and transportation engineering specialty, the employment positions and the salary of the oil and gas storage and transportation engineering specialty.
Classification:    2017-8-4 08:26
Ranking of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering
 Ranking of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering
As of 2017, there are 31 colleges and universities offering oil and gas storage and transportation engineering in China. Among the above colleges and universities, the ranking of oil and gas storage and transportation engineering is as described in this article.
Classification:    2017-8-4 08:06
The second line of the China Russia oil pipeline is coming to an end
 The second line of the China Russia oil pipeline is coming to an end
The second line of the Sino Russian oil pipeline has successfully completed a number of tunnel control projects marked by the Emur River shield. As of August 1, 3361 people had arrived at the site of the China Russia Second Line Project, including 1994 sets of equipment units. The main works of the pipeline project have been completed, and the project has entered the subsequent stages of station construction, equipment installation, etc.
Classification:    2017-8-3 08:59
Natural gas flows to the county seat Anhui to set an example
 Natural gas flows to the county seat Anhui to set an example
Recently, the General Office of the People's Government of Anhui Province issued the Planning, which proposed that from 2017 to 2021, the cumulative investment would be 23.4 billion yuan to accelerate the construction of provincial natural gas trunk lines, branch lines, product pipeline networks and other infrastructure, form an integrated, networked and intelligent backbone network, and achieve "county to county connectivity" of pipeline natural gas.
Classification:    2017-8-1 08:19
West East Gas Pipeline Company has successfully completed various objectives
 West East Gas Pipeline Company has successfully completed various objectives
The West East Gas Pipeline Company has completed 30.028 billion cubic meters of pipeline transportation commodities, 63.74% of the annual plan, up 13% year on year. The unit pipeline transportation cash cost is controlled within 44.9 yuan per thousand cubic meters, exceeding the performance target.
Classification:    2017-7-31 08:18
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