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PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company
Tarim Oilfield Company is a regional company of PetroChina Company Limited, integrating oil and gas exploration and development, refining and chemical industry, oil and gas sales, scientific research and development and other businesses. The company is headquartered in Korla, the capital of Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang. The oil field operation area is all over the southern five prefectures around the Tarim Basin
Classification:    2011-10-8 19:53
September 2011 China International Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry Expo
Introduction to 2011 China International Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry Expo: The offshore oil and gas industry is one of the important components of China's energy industry. In recent years, although the output of offshore oil and gas resources has been rising, compared with the growing consumption of oil and gas, it is a cup of water, and the development speed is significantly slower than
Classification:    2011-9-16 12:13
PetroChina won the first oilfield development project in Afghanistan in 10 years
Yesterday, the Jinghua reporter learned from CNPC that the investment group composed of CNPC, the largest oil and gas giant in China, and WATAN Oil of Afghanistan won the first oil and gas field development bid in Afghanistan in 10 years. The key reason for this victory is that it has quoted the highest petroleum tax and promised to build an oil refinery
Classification:    2011-9-15 08:14
Big companies focus on oil
 Big companies focus on oil
Whether it is financial markets, economic trends or turmoil in the Middle East, oil will always be the protagonist. Today, with the gradual going out of China's petrochemical enterprises, China has become an indispensable force in the global petrochemical market. On September 8, the opening ceremony of 2011 China International Petrochemical Conference was held in Tianjin Development Zone
Classification:    2011-9-13 12:27
Yanchang Oil Exposed Crude Oil Leakage
 Yanchang Oil Exposed Crude Oil Leakage
When everyone focused on the oil spill of ConocoPhillips and CNOOC in Bohai Sea, other oil companies did not stop. A person familiar with the matter said yesterday that the Jingbian oil production plant of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum, the fourth largest oil company in China, leaked oil on September 3, and this has been half a month
Classification:    2011-9-13 08:57
liaoning shihua university
 liaoning shihua university
Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology is located on the bank of Hun River in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Founded in Dalian in 1950, the school is the first petroleum industry school in New China; In 1953, he moved to Fushun to run a school; In 1958, it was upgraded to Fushun Petroleum Institute; In February 2000, Sinopec
Classification:    2011-8-30 19:12
changzhou university
 changzhou university
1. Overview of the Discipline Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering Major of Changzhou University (Jiangsu Institute of Technology) was founded in 1986. It is the fifth oil and gas storage and transportation discipline in China after Petroleum University, Fushun Petroleum Institute, Southwest Petroleum Institute and PLA Logistics Engineering Institute. It has been running schools for 20 years.
Classification:    2011-8-30 18:53
Notice on Holding "HYSYS and Chemical Process Dynamic Simulation Advanced Training Class"
Notice on Holding "HYSYS and Chemical Process Dynamic Simulation Advanced Training Class" All relevant units: HYSYS is a general chemical process simulation software with powerful dynamic simulation function. HYSYS is widely used in China. Almost all oilfield design systems use this software for process design. By
Classification:    2011-8-25 12:34
Group Photo Ceremony for Graduates of 2010
 Group Photo Ceremony for Graduates of 2010
On June 28, 2010, it was a sunny day. More than 300 fresh graduates of the Department of Storage and Transportation and the Department of Gas Engineering (38 graduate students, 215 undergraduate students of the Department of Storage and Transportation, 62 undergraduate students of the Department of Gas Engineering) gathered with the teachers in the Hall D of the Engineering Building of the Qingdao Campus of the China University of Petroleum, and held the 2010 graduates' departure
Classification:    2011-8-3 18:02
Brief Introduction to Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Project
Oil and gas storage and transportation engineering is the link connecting oil and gas production, processing, distribution and sales. It mainly includes oil and gas field gathering and transportation, long-distance transmission pipeline, storage and loading and unloading, and urban transmission and distribution system. In order to ensure energy supply, maintain national energy security, develop the western region and protect the environment, the National Economic and Social Development Plan of the People's Republic of China (the "National Economic and Social Development Plan")
Classification:    2011-7-31 19:03
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