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The new generation FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager opens a new era of intelligent "see" sound!

2024-5-7 19:53 | Publisher: helloshigy | see: four thousand six hundred and eighty-six | Comments: 0

abstract : Activity The new generation FLIRSi2 series acoustic imager opens a new era of intelligent "see" sound! Source: Science and Technology Eye Time: 2024-05-07 The application of acoustic imager makes compressed gas leakage detection and partial discharge detection simpler, faster and safer! The continuously upgraded FLIRSi124 series acoustic imager
The new generation FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager opens a new era of intelligent "see" sound! Source: Science and Technology Eye Time: 2024-05-07
The application of acoustic imager makes compressed gas leakage detection and partial discharge detection more simple, fast and safe! The continuously upgraded FLIR Si124 series acoustic imager has been recognized by users once it is launched! Recently Teledyne FLIR launched three new Si2 series acoustic imagers: Si2 Pro, Si2 LD and Si2 PD, which are specially used to detect compressed air leakage, special gas leakage, mechanical failure and partial discharge. The Si2 series acoustic imager can not only provide industrial solutions for the detection of mechanical faults such as air and gas leakage and bearing problems, but also help users to detect, identify and analyze the partial discharge in the electrical system, which represents the existence of problems and potential faults, and can meet the stringent inspection requirements of manufacturing, electrical and utility industries.

Brand new: high return rate, first-class image, professional software

Choosing a new generation of FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager will greatly improve the return on investment: FLIR Si2 has a new mechanical fault detection function, coupled with advanced automatic filtering function. Even in a noisy industrial environment, users can quickly detect equipment bearing faults and other mechanical faults that may cause costly production interruptions or safety hazards, To enable professionals to quickly assess the relevant situation and implement solutions, so as to improve the safety of the site.

It can also quantify industrial gas leakage more accurately, provide leakage detection for compressed air, methane, natural gas, ammonia, hydrogen, helium and argon, and view the leakage rate (L/min or CFM) and cost loss estimation on the screen in real time, Si2 series can detect leakage problems with smaller leakage rate, better detection effect and longer detection distance. It is more convenient for users to find maintenance and determine maintenance priority, so as to maximize return on investment.

For partial discharge detection, the Si2 series acoustic imager has built-in partial discharge severity assessment and corrective action suggestion functions, which enable users to make decisions quickly and reduce the impact of faults. The overall performance of the Si2 series acoustic imager has been greatly improved, allowing users to find problems from a longer distance, detect and measure with higher sensitivity, and classify partial discharge problems more accurately, so that users can find partial discharge problems safely, quickly and accurately.

Compared with the serious losses caused by sudden failures, the cost of investment in FLIR Si2 series acoustic imagers is negligible!

FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager can provide first-class image details, because it is equipped with a 12 million pixel color digital camera, 8x digital zoom, built-in LED lights and a 5-inch screen of 1280x720 pixels. Even in a dark environment, users can gain first-class image details, allowing you to better understand problems and make more correct decisions.

FLIR Si2 series acoustic imagers are equipped with online AcousticViewer cloud analysis software as standard. Users can quickly complete on-site analysis and report, and support the creation of organizational structure, analysis of imager usage, automatic upload and management of data, and cloud to cloud data integration.

The plug-in can also allow users to import audio and video into FLIR Thermal Studio software for offline editing, analysis and creation of advanced reports. Professional report and analysis software makes the processing of the test results more simple and clear!

The new generation FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager also adds GPS tags, QR code scanning, text annotation and other functions, allowing you to quickly and effectively record asset data on site.

Inheritance: sensitive, light and simple

The new generation FLIR Si2 series acoustic imager also has 124 microphones built in, which has a wide receiving frequency range (2kHz to 130kHz), covering audible sound and ultrasound, and can filter out noisy environments and industrial background noise to generate accurate sound images. The audio image is superimposed on the visible light digital image in real time, so that users can accurately identify the source of sound and distinguish problems.

The Si2 series acoustic imager is also very portable and easy to use. It supports single hand operation and has IP54 protection level, ensuring user safety and reducing body burden.

The Si2 series acoustic imager is also simple to operate, requiring only a small amount of training to get started, allowing enterprises to optimize working hours and greatly reduce training costs.

The new generation FLIR Si2 series intelligent acoustic imager not only inherits the advantages of the Si124 series, but also carries out upgrading and innovation according to user needs, which can help enterprises minimize the huge losses caused by equipment downtime due to partial discharge, gas leakage and mechanical failure. At present, this acoustic imager can apply for "free on-site inspection". For details, please refer to the official WeChat official account "Phyllier".

For product information, please consult the official service hotline of Phyllier: 400-683-1958, official website: https://www.flir.cn , WeChat official account "Phyllier", dithering account "Phyllier"

About Teledyne FLIR

Teledyne FLIR, a subsidiary of Teledyne Technologies, is an outstanding leader in intelligent sensing solutions for defense and industrial applications, with about 4000 employees worldwide. Founded in 1978, the company has been focusing on the design, development, production, marketing and promotion of professional technologies used to enhance situational awareness. Through infrared thermal imaging, visible light imaging, acoustic imaging, video analysis, measurement and diagnosis, and advanced threat detection systems, professionals can make better and faster decisions, save lives, and improve lives.




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