Taiyuan Xintong Education Institution Taiyuan Xintong Education Campus Phone Address Youkao.com
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 Taiyuan Xintong Education Institution
National Unified Learning Line 8:30-21:00

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School Profile

Taiyuan Xintong Education Institution

 Logo of Taiyuan Xintong Education Institution
As a leader in the service industry of going abroad and studying abroad in China, Xintong International Education Group has been rooted in China for 20 years and faces the rapidly changing international market.

Xintong Education is committed to providing more professional and high-quality services for Chinese citizens to study abroad and invest overseas. It is also an active overseas communicator of Chinese culture. The service network of Xintong Education spreads all over China's major economically developed regions and many countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, and is strategically aligned with well-known human resources enterprises in Asia, so as to build a new service for Chinese students, including language training, international cooperation courses, study consultation and career planning, study abroad application, visa application, overseas continuation services Overseas returnees' job guidance and other comprehensive international service networks.

School characteristics

Vision and Mission

To be an excellent international education group in China and comprehensively enhance the global competitiveness of Chinese students.

sense of worth

In Xintong, every overseas study planner is first and foremost an educational planner. It is the mission of Xintong to continue to create opportunities for customers to learn and develop globally.

Scope of Services

Language preparation, academic promotion, overseas study tours, study abroad planning, career planning, overseas development, etc.

Overall layout

Xintong Language Training, Xintong Lexue City, Xintong Studying Abroad, Xintong Traveling, Xintong Immigration, Xintong Wheat Art, and Xintong Online (XTEAM).

Course classification

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