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2023 Computer Rank Examination Time Query, Examination Qualification Criteria

2024-05-15 09:30:04 Source:

Summary: Candidates who take the 2023 Computer Rank Examination want to know what is the time query method for the 2023 Computer Rank Examination? What are the criteria for passing the exam? Based on the above questions, I

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Candidates for the 2023 Computer Rank Examination want to know Time of Computer Grade Examination in 2023 What is the query method? What are the criteria for passing the exam? Based on the above questions, I will introduce them in detail in the following article for the reference of the examinees. I hope it will be helpful to the examinees!

1、 2023 National Computer Rank Examination Score query time

The exam results in March 2023 are expected to be published two months after the exam ends, and are expected to be available in May. Candidates can log on the score query page of "China Education Examination Network" to query the test scores and certificate information.

From 2022, the National Computer Ranking Examination (NCRE) electronic certificate will be launched by the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education. All candidates who meet the certification requirements will obtain electronic certificates, and they can apply for paper certificates at the same time.

2、 2023 National Computer Grade Examination Qualification Standard

The National Computer Rank Examination adopts a hundred point system, and examinees are notified of their grades. Grades are divided into fail, pass, good excellent Fourth class. 0-59 points are unqualified, 60-79 points are qualified, 80-89 points are good, and 90-100 points are excellent For those who have passed the examination, the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education shall print the qualification certificate.

If the examination subject is passed, the certificate shall be marked with "qualified"; If the examination result is good, the qualification certificate shall be marked with "good"; The examination result is excellent , marked on the certificate of conformity“ excellent ”Words. Candidates whose photos do not meet the requirements will not be allowed to print certificates. NCRE certificates of all levels have no time limit.

3、 Does the National Computer Rank Examination have a certificate

National Computer Rank Examination With certificate.

NCRE certificates are divided into four levels:

Level I: operation skill level/information literacy. Assess basic computer knowledge and basic computer operation ability, including Office software, graphics and image software, and network security quality education.

Level II: advanced application level of programming/office software. The assessment content includes computer language and basic programming ability. Participants are required to master a computer language. The optional categories include high-level language programming, database programming, etc; The second level also includes advanced application ability of office software. Participants are required to have computer application knowledge and advanced application ability of office software, and be able to carry out specific applications in the actual office environment.

Level III: engineer reserve level. The three-level certificate assesses the professional skills of the post for application and occupation.

Level IV: engineer level. The Level IV Certificate is intended for candidates who have held Level III related certificates to assess computer professional courses. It is an application oriented and career oriented engineer post certificate.

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