One to one tutoring of university education, senior high school tutoring, art examination and cultural courses | National hotline: 400-0929-859


University education brief introduction

  • Suitable for students: senior high school student
  • Training scope: One on one tutoring, high school tutoring, art examination and culture classes
  • Campus distribution: Covering more than 100 cities nationwide, with more than 240 learning centers View details>>
Introduction to educational institutions of the University: Xueda Education is a group company focusing on personalized education. Adhering to the personalized education concept of "people first and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", Xueda Education has innovated and created four business sectors of personalized education, vocational education, cultural services and education digitalization, aiming to help more users realize their dreams of growth and talent, and become a trustworthy culture and education industry group. View details>>
Advantages and features: Early consultation Scientific assessment Customized plan Personalized learning Personalized service Learning feedback
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University education training course

  •  One on one tutorship for senior high school in Xueda Education
    High school one-on-one coaching
    • Suitable for students: Students with weak foundation and no class
    • Course features: Sort out knowledge, train learning methods, consolidate foundation and build knowledge system

    Course introduction: Six to one personalized service university service team (education consultant, head teacher, psychological tutor, personalized teaching and research team, providing intimate services

    Course Details Appointment audition
  •  College Entrance Examination Counseling of University Education
    College Entrance Examination Tutoring
    • Suitable for students: Weak and insufficient students
    • Course features: For weak links, carry out the training one by one to make up for weaknesses and consolidate the foundation

    Course introduction: Develop personalized learning plan Customize personalized learning plan according to students' personality characteristics and needs

    Course Details Appointment audition
  •  Education, Arts and Culture Course of the University
    Art Examination Culture Class
    • Suitable for students: Students with short learning time and weak foundation
    • Course features: Follow the concept of personalized learning, teach students according to their aptitude, adjust measures to the time and teach learning methods according to the current situation of short learning time and poor foundation of individual students

    Course introduction: Scientific improvement assessment: scientific improvement assessment of students' learning

    Course Details Appointment audition
  •  Personalized course selection for college entrance examination
    Personalized course selection for college entrance examination
    • Suitable for students: Students who need to consolidate and sort out their knowledge
    • Course features: Through data analysis, carefully design course content, teach learning methods, and sort out knowledge architecture

    Course introduction: Face to face teaching, knowledge sorting and special training

    Course Details Appointment audition

University education Campus distribution