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 Ningbo Haishu Oufeng Small Language Training School
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Which Ningbo College Entrance Examination Japanese Training Class has a good reputation

Release time: 17:02:18, May 15, 2024 Source: Comprehensive

Why do more and more people choose Japanese for college entrance examination? No matter whether we study arts or science, language and math are our exam courses. Generally speaking, we will assume that this foreign language is English. In fact, there are six foreign languages in the college entrance examination: English, Japanese, Russian, German, French and Spanish. You can choose Japanese instead of English to take the exam and get equal scores.

Why More and More People Choose Japanese for College Entrance Examination
The structure of the NMET Japanese and NMET English examinations is basically the same, but the requirements for vocabulary are very different. The English requirements are about 3500-4500 words. Japanese only needs about 2500-3000.
Compared with the students taking the college entrance examination in English, the students taking the college entrance examination in Japanese have some requirements in some European and American languages, and some military colleges have requirements, but this influence can be almost ignored.
Music, sports, art and other art candidates. Partial undergraduate, weak English ability. In the future, some students will study in Japan. Japanese is better than English.
The Japanese section of the NMET consists of two parts: the written test and the oral listening and speaking test. The written examination is a closed book written examination, which is required to be completed within 120 minutes.
Suggestions for examinee preparation
  • Candidates for the first stage of senior high school

    Generally, there are more students who start to learn Japanese systematically in the first semester of senior high school. It is suggested to take one year to raise the level of Japanese to N3 level, so as to save one year for other subjects.

  • Candidates of Senior Two

    For senior two students, the learning task is very heavy. We must use the whole year of senior two to learn basic Japanese. The year is divided into four parts: the first semester, the next semester, summer and winter vacation.

  • Candidates of Senior Three

    The preparation time for senior students is not one year, but 10 months, so the learning pace needs to be tight.

Japanese College Entrance Examination Course
language knowledge

It is required to be able to properly use basic grammar knowledge and master about 2000 words and related phrases.


It is required to understand the short monologues and dialogues on familiar topics in daily life.


Candidates are required to read familiar short written materials about daily life topics, such as announcements, instructions, advertisements, and short articles on general topics in books, magazines, and magazines.


The examinee is required to express in writing according to the prompts.

Environment of Oufeng Campus
 Children's theme classroom
A Comparative Study of the Advantages of Japanese and English in the College Entrance Examination
Japanese for college entrance examination VS College Entrance Examination English
The average score is 120 points, which is 20 points higher than the average score of statistical English every year average The average score is 94, lower than the average score of Japanese in the college entrance examination
The number of examinees is relatively small, and the types of questions are simple Number of examinees The number of examinees is large, and the types of questions are complex and difficult
Students have interest in learning and initiative interest Learning from an early age is boring and resistant
The system is relatively simple, with less student output Learning system The system is complex and the examination is relatively difficult
One university is a better target, 985 and 211 are no longer difficult Examination objectives One university strives hard, and two universities are better targets

Ningbo College Entrance Examination Japanese Which training class has good reputation? European style in China Minor language The training industry puts forward the idea of customizing the European language learning program according to the learning purpose, and the ternary teaching method of combining learning, practice and expansion. At the same time, it can be divided into examination (LPE-E) and application (LPE-A) according to different learning purposes of students.

1、 How to Review Japanese for College Entrance Examination

1. Remember words frequently

Words are an indispensable part of Japanese learning. No matter what method you use, you must write them down. At the beginning of learning Japanese, you should set plans and goals for yourself, and then keep memorizing words every day. The longer you spend, the more vocabulary you will master. You can choose to read the words aloud in the morning to remember them, which is not only effective but also fast.

2. Review notes

Memories in notes are relatively important knowledge, so you should take good notes at the beginning, and write down the key points and mistakes. Be careful not to remember too disorderly. Too disorderly will lead to poor access, followed by untidy. When reviewing, you should read more notes and remember all key knowledge, so that the review efficiency will be higher.

3. Reading accumulation

The accumulation of reading is very important at ordinary times. The subject matter of reading is unlimited, and the content can be more extensive. This can not only increase the knowledge of Japanese, but also master reading skills, which is very helpful for problem solving. Pay attention to those unknown words when reading. You can look at the dictionary to learn and accumulate new words. Reading ability is not easy. It will have obvious effect if you persist in reading.

2、 How to Learn Japanese Well in College Entrance Examination

1. Establish goals

We choose to learn Japanese in order to achieve satisfactory results in the college entrance examination, so we can set ourselves a learning goal at the beginning and adjust our good attitude to learn. In order to better achieve this goal, we can develop a Japanese learning plan to plan what we should do every day and within what time. For example, remember words. At the beginning, set a daily quota of 20 words. When it is no longer difficult to remember these 20 words, increase them appropriately and adjust them constantly.

2. Tamping foundation

Reading and writing are two common learning methods in Japanese learning, as well as two windows to the surrounding world. To learn a language, you should start with basic pronunciation, and Japanese is no exception. The fifty tone chart is the basis for learning Japanese well. Only by mastering the fifty tone chart well can we master the key points of knowledge in the subsequent Japanese learning. This requires students to listen carefully in class, practice repeatedly after class, and memorize the fifty tone reading and writing firmly in their minds.

3. Improve learning efficiency

Many students can not concentrate when learning Japanese, resulting in very low learning efficiency. Therefore, when learning Japanese, students can clean up other things on their desks, and only put Japanese textbooks, notebooks and other things needed for Japanese learning on their desks, so as to focus on keeping themselves in a tense learning state.

3、 How to Teach Japanese for College Entrance Examination by Yourself

1: There is no doubt that there are fifty tones in self-study of Japanese in the college entrance examination. Japanese pronunciation is easy to master. All Japanese words are composed of these kanas, as long as you recite 50 sounds., You can read all Japanese. If you know how to read any pseudonym, you will succeed in getting started

2: Many people reported that they memorized Japanese words today and forgot them the next day. In fact, this is a normal imagination. Because human memory has curves, only by constantly deepening and consolidating these memories can we firmly remember.. After learning new Japanese words that day. Take an hour or so to remember these words, and then read what you learned the next day many times in your spare time the next day. You can choose to occupy two or three class breaks between classes, which will not occupy the whole time to learn Japanese, but also have a good review effect and deepen memory.

More training courses: Ningbo Haishu European Style College Entrance Examination Japanese Tutorial Class More school information: Ningbo Haishu Oufeng Small Language Training School Consulting telephone:

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