Tongcheng Tongmei Education | National hotline: 400-0929-858


Tongcheng Tongmei Children's Programming brief introduction

  • Suitable for students: Primary and junior high school students
  • Training scope: Interest training
  • Campus distribution: Beijing, Jinan, Qingdao, Zibo, Yantai, Tianjin, Shanghai View details>>
Introduction: Tongcheng Tongmei, an American listed company, has 19 years of programming teaching experience, focuses on young children's programming education and services, and has formed a curriculum system centered on creative enlightenment courses, artificial intelligence programming, intelligent robot programming, informatics Olympian programming, etc View details>>
Advantages and features: 19 years of programming teaching experience More than 230 offline campuses Learn online and offline anywhere
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Tongcheng Tongmei Children's Programming training course

  • Scratch Children's Programming Enlightenment Course
    • Suitable for students: 7-9 years old
    • Teaching: Chinese education
    • Class type: a reception class

    Course introduction: Scratch is an open source programming environment for children developed by MIT. It doesn't need to write any code, just use the mouse to drag and drop the programming blocks of various functions prepared for you in advance, and you can make interesting games and animation effects. Just like children playing

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  • NOI Series Courses
    • Suitable for students: 10-12, 13-16, 17-18
    • Teachers: Chinese education
    • Class type: a reception class

    Course introduction: The National Youth Informatics Olympic Competition is a youth computer programming competition organized by the Computer Society of China entrusted by the Ministry of Education and the China Association for Science and Technology. It aims to popularize computer science knowledge to those young people who study at the middle school stage, and train and select outstanding computer talents through competitions and related activities. NO...

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  • Python AI Programming Course
    • Suitable for students: 7-9, 10-12, 13-16, 17-18
    • Teachers: Chinese education
    • Class type: a reception class

    Course introduction: Python AI programming course is a systematic children's programming course system based on the popular programming language Python, relying on 19 years of programming teaching experience, to cultivate children's programming thinking and comprehensive ability. Course features 1. Professional course design is professional, which conforms to children's cognitive laws

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  • Robot Programming Course
    • Suitable for students: 7-9, 10-12, 13-16, 17-18
    • Teachers: Chinese education
    • Class type: a reception class

    Course introduction: Tongcheng Tongmei robot programming course is a full age course for 6-18 years old. The course includes software and hardware programming, intelligent robot programming, and high school high-level hardware programming

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Tongcheng Tongmei Children's Programming Campus distribution