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Legal statement

The following terms and conditions are legally binding on you when you use this website. If you do not agree with the conditions listed below, please do not use this website or any content contained in this website. If you use this website or the content contained in this website, you agree to the following terms.

This website is a third-party classified information platform for users to independently register and publish business opportunity information. All information, pictures and other resources in the website are uploaded by member users. This website does not have the copyright of such pictures. Please follow relevant laws and regulations when using the above pictures.

This station serves as
The platform service provider does not have sufficient monitoring capability for illegal reprinting and piracy. However, when the copyright owner makes an infringement accusation and shows sufficient copyright proof materials, the website has the obligation to remove the pirated and illegally reproduced works and stop the continuous dissemination.
This website will not bear legal liability for such infringement conducted by others on the website, and the legal liability for infringement shall be borne by the member himself.

Website Information
This website information does not attach any form of guarantee, including the guarantee of marketability, fitness for a specific purpose or non infringement of intellectual property rights. This website does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and integrity of the information on this website. The content on this website, such as products, prices and configurations, will change in real time with the actual situation of customers. The content on this website may also have expired. This website does not promise to update them synchronously. If there is any discrepancy between the product information released by the members of this website and the instructions of the products sold in the market, the information verified with the customers shall prevail.
General restrictions
All information, documents, products and services, trademarks, logos, graphics and pictures (materials) provided in this website belong to this website. Any form of unauthorized use of information on this website will violate copyright law, trademark law and privacy law.
This website agrees that you can only display this website on your personal computer for personal purposes. Without the written permission of this website, you cannot use this website for any other purpose. You agree not to copy, distribute, publish or broadcast any content contained in this website to anyone, including companies and organizations. You may not post the content of this website in newsgroups, mailing groups or bulletin boards. You agree that you have no right to modify, edit, change or add any material in any way. This restriction will take effect automatically without prior notice to you. You agree to destroy any printed or downloaded material immediately in accordance with the restrictions.
You agree that you will not mirror any content or third-party information contained in this website to any other server or Internet device without the written permission of this website or its licensor.
This website can be linked to websites on the WWW or the Internet that are not controlled and maintained by this website. You agree that this website provides these links only for your convenience, and this website is not responsible for the content of these websites.
Some areas of this website are password protected (restricted areas). If you are an authorized user in these restricted areas, you agree that you are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of your password and account, and agree that if your password is lost, stolen or cracked by an unauthorized third party, you will immediately notify this website. You agree to be fully responsible for any behavior of the account you own, including any expenses of the account protected by the password, regardless of whether the expenses are your individual behavior. You agree that if any unauthorized use of your account occurs, you will immediately notify this website.
You agree that this website may contain some inaccuracies or typographical errors that may affect the quality of content. Your approved material or any third-party content has not been independently verified by this website or authorized in whole or in part. We also agree that this website does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of materials or third-party content. You further agree that this website is not responsible for any lengthy material and third-party content
Limitation of liability
In order to maximize the applicable laws, this website is not responsible for any damage and loss caused by displaying, copying or downloading the information of this website. This website is not responsible for any indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential damages (including data loss, tax or other economic benefits).

Limitation of liability
The information on the cloud business network platform comes from the information released by the registered users themselves, and the information source is responsible for the authenticity of the information. The information displayed on the cloud business network platform is for the purpose of information transmission, which does not mean that the cloud business network agrees with its views or has confirmed the full authenticity of its published content.

Yunshang hereby specifically disclaims any legal responsibility for the following matters:
(1) Yunshang website hereby declares that it does not guarantee your use of the website, any content, service related to the website or other sites and content linked to the website directly, indirectly, legally or by agreement.
(2) For any reason (including but not limited to negligence), Or other website information linked to this website (including direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, such as loss of income or profit, damage to computer systems or data loss and other consequences), the user shall bear the responsibility (including but not limited to negligence)
The user's use of this website means that he/she agrees to bear all the risks of browsing this website. Since the cloud business website, the cloud business website operator or the cloud business website affiliated company has not participated in the construction, production or development of this website or provided content, he/she will not bear any responsibility for any direct, related, consequential, indirect or monetary losses caused by the user's access to data on this website.

Complaint and reporting rules

1、 Reporting overview:
In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, any enterprise has the right and obligation to report any illegal information or illegal transactions.
After the fact of reporting is established: we will punish the reported party accordingly and keep it on file, and delete the violation information at the same time.
Rules for Handling Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
1、 Definition
Infringement of intellectual property rights: refers to the information published by users on the cloud business website is suspected of infringing others' intellectual property rights and other rights.
Intellectual property: refers to the right of the obligee to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of the intellectual activity achievements created by himself according to law, which generally includes trademark right, patent right and copyright. This rule also includes portrait right, enterprise name right, etc.

Once the information released by the user receives the relevant infringement complaint, it shall submit the counter notice and supporting materials within three working days to explain the legality of the product. The user shall ensure that the counter notice materials provided are true, legal and effective. If the user fails to submit a counter notice within three working days in time, or if the user submits a counter notice in time but the dispute resolution result of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace is that the counter notice is not accepted, or the submitted data is false, Alibaba Cloud Marketplace has the right to delete the product information
Local laws
This website is controlled and operated by the headquarters in China. This website does not guarantee that the content of this website is effective in international areas. If you use this website in a place other than China, you are responsible for using the content of this website in compliance with local laws.
Breach of terms of this website
If you violate the terms of this website, this website reserves the right to terminate your service with prior notice or explanation.
You agree that this website and its licensors can increase and/or change the services and prices of this website without prior declaration, and further agree that this website can amend these terms without declaration. Your continued use of this website is deemed that you have accepted these changes.
The right to interpret this announcement and the right to interpret the use of this website belong to this website.