Endless Forever official website - multi player action competitive end tour

Endless Forever official website - multi player action competitive end tour

Open free on July 14
Heroes with different backgrounds Warrior's Soul Awakens
Zhang Qiling CV: Beichen
He is the patriarch of the Zhang family with the secret of longevity, and also a peerless silent unicorn.
Bearing the family mission, Zhang Qiling is dedicated to shuttling around the world, looking for missing memories and guarding the ultimate of everything.
Liu Lian CV: Sun Kaiyin
The hundred year furnace in Runzhou, northwest China, has produced countless gold and stones, which also breeds the platinum power inherited by the Liu family from generation to generation. Liu Lian never believes in talent. He only knows that refined gold can achieve perfection.
Wei Qing CV: Tang Yajing
Be less involved in the justice department, clear up the prison, and resolve the Congo.
Later, he was ordered to go south to find the trace and arrest the criminals thousands of miles away.
The capital of Jin Wei, Wei Qing, vowed to make the truth clear.
Hardy CV: Liu Zhaokun
Hadi Ismaar is the youngest scholar in the history of Yuelun State. He is quick in thinking and dexterous in mind.
If those things had not happened, he would have entered the school early and become a teacher respected by scholars.
However, the river of destiny took him to Jukuzhou to complete his journey.
Yulinglong CV: Cai Na
Cunning and changeable, it is the soul of the fox; Knowing all things is a secret that is passed down from the hidden people to teach.
Yu Linglong, who escaped from the prison island and the clansmen and embarked on the road of salvation for fun, has no idea whether it is a blessing or a curse in the world
Ji Yingying CV: ° Four white
Born strange, unknown girl.
She is the most outstanding ghost of Wuchang Department and the most terrible rumor in Zhongzhou.
When she finds her name, the karma fire from the nether world will burn all those who have betrayed her.
Hu Wei CV: Chang Wentao
Enter mountain stronghold, Pingshan stronghold; Join the army and leave the army.
Hu Wei, who grew up drinking tiger milk, is as free as a wild animal in the forest.
Only the safety of Yunzhou can hinder his wild heart.
Shen Miao CV: Guiniang
This is a young woman with excellent skills.
Its creation is exquisite, its words and deeds are clever, and its temperament is wonderful!!!
It's not good to be friends with them, but bad to be enemies!
——Shen Miao
Yin Ziping CV: Cloud Crane Chasing
Pingsheng Spring is full of energy and has helped visitors dream of sorghum.
It is like a flower to answer the question. Breathing is better than returning to the soul.
The gentle and smart girl looks weak, but she is resolute before the national enemy and family hatred.
"It's easy to save one person, but difficult to save the world... But Ziping is willing to try!"
Nobutaka Takeda CV: Liu Beichen
I have no desire in my life, and I have no regrets in everything.
Even if I am spurned by the world in the name of disloyalty and injustice, I will not be trusted by my close friends.
If you come to the end, use the blade in your hand to cut the obstacles in front of you!
My body can be destroyed, and my way cannot be abandoned!
Gu Qinghan CV: Zhong Ke
In Gu Qinghan's mind, she is not the imperial princess with golden branches and jade leaves, nor the owner of the graceful Cangyu Pavilion; She is only the icy flying shadow who vows to bury the enemy with snow. She is the lonely goose who is eager to find her dear ones.
Dust free CV: Li Lanling
Do not act constantly, but act from time to time. Even if his blood is not right and his soul is not complete, Wuchen can still become the new secret envoy of the Yinzu with his own strength. He believed that only by being free of all kinds of laws can we break through the robberies and understand the mysteries.
Ji Canghai CV: Liu Yijia
Drink up and enjoy life. Behind the title of Liehao is his free and unfettered temperament, and also his pride of being strong when he is strong. Although the road of destiny is heavy and difficult, he will still wield his sword forward.
Canaan CV: Yang Menglu
The wind and sand make her as swift as the black eagle in the desert; The secret of the ancient religion makes it as unreal as the ghost of the ancient city. She is a graceful assassin and a nightmare of the powerful.
Ninghong Night CV: Yellow Warbler
The blind swordsman who goes out of Kunlun in the west is a beautiful and dangerous red snake. For a strong person like Ning Hongye, the deadly poison has already been carved into the blood, and the sharp blade will never leave you. The blinded eyes will gaze at the world again when fate comes.
Temur CV: Meng Xianglong
When the blood of the wolf roars again, the storm on the grassland will rage. The legend of the ancestors is engraved in my mind, and the great glory is in front of me. The wolf from the grassland will rush again.
Tuyumen Walnut CV: Tao Dian
The flower of the sun wheel, the genius Yin and Yang teacher, is the eldest lady who inherits the ancient inheritance. In order to explore the secrets of heaven and earth and master the ultimate of Yin and Yang, Walnut left home and embarked on her new journey.
Tenkai CV: Li Yuantao
Traveling around the world, he finally found the answer in his heart - to save the world, even at the expense of himself. Thunder anger turns into anger Vajra, sweeping away all karma, and those who block the way will suffer endless anger.
Devil Sabre Concubine CV: Zhang Qi

No one can hide her demon sword. There are many dead people under the sword. When she calms down, she will blame herself for hurting too many people.

Sometimes being "strong" is not a good thing. You must have the ability to bear and control this "strong".

Cui Sanniang CV: Zhou Shuai

I only sigh that fate is deceiving people. It was Cui Sanniang who was behind the general's family who was wandering overseas. However, she is ambitious and has good intentions. She is an extraordinary woman who plays a full range of maneuvers, and is also a dragon among people with great powers. Fighting for the righteousness in her heart, she will set off huge waves.

Yueshan CV: Liang Dawei

Looking north at Zhongzhou, I still remember the march last year. The mountains and rivers are peaceful, the sea is clear and the river is clear, and the laughter is loud. The huge waves on the sea invade Yuzhou, and the frost knife desert in Yunzhou is dusty in the north. When the wind and clouds rise, who will defend the border? The armored soul.

The heaven and earth are bumpy, and the sun is dim; The sky column sinks when the guard leans. It is forbidden to be successful in martial arts. Loyal Yue is a reclusive family. Vigorously, the golden warriors will fall down, and thousands of troops will gather in the caves to fight. Begging for rebels, rehabilitating and supporting the country leader, Jiuzhou Town.

Unconstrained map interaction Infinite free flying rope
"According to our experience, the endless multiplayer game has both tactical strategy and passion for war."


Left hand sharp blade, right hand gunfire& Unprecedented combat experience

  • Melee
  • long-range
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon
Cognate weapon

The fist blade has existed since ancient times. It is said that it comes from the brave and ruthless people among civilians. Because of its fast, accurate, ruthless and strange characteristics, it was later used by the moon wheel assassins.

Double halberd
Twin Sabres Same Source Weapon

It seems inevitable that the double halberd with both strength and speed will appear in the endless empire. Because it is powerful and flexible in both the military and the Wulin.

Double knife
Double halberd's homologous weapon

Different civilizations have their own tactics of holding short swords in both hands. It can be seen that the emergence of double swords is inevitable in martial arts. Most of the double sabres are like meteors chasing the moon, and they are as graceful as butterflies in flowers.


After thousands of years of evolution, the nunchakus have become what they are today. The magnificent and dazzling nunchakus are loved by the warriors in the martial Wuji Empire.

Gun's homologous weapon

The staff, known as "the best of a hundred weapons", is the earliest weapon with a large number of trainees. Wuji Wuren believes that the gun is derived from the stick.

The same source weapon of staff

The gun is known as the "king of hundred soldiers" because it not only has a large attack range, but also has fast and flexible moves.

The dagger's homologous weapon

The fan, born of a short weapon, has a place in the unique weapons of the Wuji Wulin because of its natural and elegant moves.

Fan's homologous weapon

"One inch short, one inch dangerous" The display of the dagger not only represents the method of attack with hidden killing opportunities, but also represents the determination to fight for life.

Horizontal knife
Tai Dao's homologous weapon

The horizontal sabre is a kind of sabre worn by limitless officers and soldiers. The blade is straight, and it is not at the center. It has both the king style of sword and the overlord style of sword.

The same origin weapon of the horizontal sabre

After the Hengdao of the Wuji Empire was introduced to the Rilun State, it gradually evolved into the Taidao of the current Rilun State after a hundred years of improvement by the number of Rilun craftsmen.

The same origin weapon of horse chopping sabre

The broadsword is an offensive and defensive weapon. It is very popular because it is wielded like a tiger.

The same origin weapon of broadsword

The long sabre with a heavy handle is very popular with the generals of the Infinite Empire. It is named after its use in the battle array, which is to cut the enemy generals up and the horses down.

Long sword

The melee weapons that have appeared on the battlefield since ancient times are called "the king of a hundred weapons" because of their portability, elegance and rapidity.

Ten thousand blade wheel

The Yin craftsmen were inspired by the windmill and made it. Its destructive power and the noise when the metal blade rotates are extremely terrible.


Long range weapons that have appeared on the battlefield since ancient times, even the surname "Zhang" of the Wuji Empire is named for this weapon.


Thanks to the investment of the military headquarters of the Infinite Empire in the research and development of firearms, portable and powerful single handguns appeared on the battlefield.


It is said that it was made by a sage of the infinite empire. It can shoot a lot of arrows with the force of wind and rain.

a fowling piece

The craftsmen of the Moon Wheel State improved the fire gun introduced from the Infinite Empire, lengthened the gun body, reduced the caliber, and greatly improved its range and accuracy.


The artifact made by the craftsmen of the Yin nationality converts yin and yang into a flame that burns everything.

Five eyed blunderbuss

It was made by the craftsmen of the Yin nationality who drew inspiration from the firearms of mortals. It got its name because it can fire ammunition from five barrels at the same time.

like a swarm of bees

The artifact made by the craftsmen of the Yin nationality uses the power of yin and yang to launch dozens of arrows at a time.