•  ZblogPHP topic: Forum Light Forum Q&A
    ZblogPHP topic: Forum Light Forum Q&A I remember that after making the first website navigation theme of ZBlog a few years ago, similar themes have sprung up after a spring rain, which inadvertently witnessed the magic of ZBlog. Now I have developed the original
  •  ZblogPHP topic: Lofter Smart Light Blog
    ZblogPHP topic: Lofter Smart Light Blog This is the second adaptive single column theme, which almost inherits all the high-quality details of my recent theme. It focuses on the background and the multimodal expression of the article. It is suitable for many articles
  •  Z-BlogPHP customization
    Z-BlogPHP customization Welcome to choose the Z-BlogPHP application customization and modification service provided by Yiwu Library. ZBLOG application works of webmaster Er Jin: https://app.zblogcn.com/?au...

Website Encyclopedia

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  • Z-BlogPHP plug-in: Z-Blog collection filler Z-BlogPHP plug-in: Z-Blog collection filler

    The new version 3.0 is online, more convenient and more functional! This is a general collection plug-in for Z-Blog! No subject, supporting additional fields of articles

  • Chrome and Edge browsers do not support the has method? Chrome and Edge browsers do not support the has method?

    Recently, Z-Blog users have reported that the secondary drop-down menu of theme navigation is not displayed. Because the problem occurred suddenly, the theme has not been updated recently, and the user has not touched the menu settings, it naturally occurred to me that it might be a problem with the browser. In order to test this conjecture, Yiwuku will break the oolong in it today. According to user feedback, we can basically conclude that Chrome and Edge browsers are the main ones that have problems. After a short period of testing and troubleshooting, we

    2022/09/17 three thousand five hundred and forty-two Website Encyclopedia
  • How can websites use QQ email to send messages? How can websites use QQ email to send messages?

    Many websites need to send emails, such as the common functions of retrieving passwords and obtaining invitation codes. We usually recommend using SMTP to send emails. Well known website programs also have corresponding plug-ins available, such as WordPress plug-in EasyWPSMTP, Z-Blog PHPMailer plug-in. Today, Yiwuku would like to share with you the method of sending email using QQ Email SMTP, hoping to help the webmaster friends. First

    2022/08/30 four thousand two hundred and thirty-seven Website Encyclopedia
  • Latest Baidu Spider UA and spider crawler UA of major search engines

    The spider crawler UA of each major search engine has a look at the record, which is very useful for us to write some programs. For example, the User Agent is one of the commonly used standards when judging the source of the client on the web page. This article collects the spider crawler UA of each major search engine for reference when necessary. When we formulate some defense rules or shielding rules, we need to release spiders from the search engine. Otherwise, even spiders will not be included if they block the website, and the weight will also decline, especially from

    2022/05/30 five thousand one hundred and seventy-nine Website Encyclopedia
  • DedeCMS weaves dreams and suddenly tightens the collection of wool? DedeCMS weaves dreams and suddenly tightens the collection of wool?

    DedeCMS Dream Content Management System is an old PHP website building program. Yesterday, the official of DedeCMS suddenly released the Notice on Reminding to Handle the Commercial Use Authorization of DedeCMS Products, which said that according to the DedeCMS license agreement, except for individual non-profit websites, all of them need to purchase the commercial use authorization of DedeCMS, and the authorization fee is 5800 yuan. The official stressed that for commercial sites that have not yet been authorized, please

    2021/09/27 five thousand one hundred and nine one Website Encyclopedia
  • Solution to Z-Blog Recent Application Download and Usage Exception Solution to Z-Blog Recent Application Download and Usage Exception

    Because the domain name of the Z-Blog official website is being changed for filing recently, some functional interfaces of the application center are unavailable, so exceptions may be encountered when downloading, enabling and setting charging applications. If a temporary solution is needed, it is recommended to update the application center plug-in itself to the latest version, and then switch to the website according to the following figure: submit and save before performing relevant operations, If there are still problems, we have to wait patiently for a few days. Everything will return to normal after the Z-Blog official website is newly filed. By the way, application

    2021/08/28 five thousand two hundred and ninety-one Website Encyclopedia
  • Tips for AliCloud to apply for free SSL certificates and deploy https Tips for AliCloud to apply for free SSL certificates and deploy https

    As we all know, ssl certificates are a prerequisite for upgrading websites from http to https. Many platforms provide free ssl certificates, and Alibaba Cloud is one of them. When AliCloud first offered free ssl certificates, it was easy to find a special activity portal. Now it may be that the obvious words "free certificate" have not been found to improve the rate of paid services, but the free certificate service has not been taken off the shelves. Now let's go through the application of free SSL certificates by AliCloud in 2021

    2021/01/04 four thousand seven hundred and nine two Website Encyclopedia
  • Z-Blog Application Center Launches "Work Order System" Z-Blog Application Center Launches "Work Order System"

    "Add developer QQ didn't respond!" "XXX application can't be used!"...... Still struggling to contact the developer? In order to solve the problems of users charged by the application center more quickly, obtain better after-sales experience, and enable developers to deal with user problems more efficiently, we have launched the "official communication bridge" - work order. Users can apply the center background submission

    2020/10/25 five thousand five hundred and seventeen Website Encyclopedia
  • The problem of opening SSL small green locks and exclamation marks on https websites The problem of opening SSL small green locks and exclamation marks on https websites

    We have popularized What is SSL and HTTPS before, and those who have not yet learned about it can click in. Today, we mainly tear down the small lock icon in the browser address bar of the https website. In fact, small green locks are mostly seen in domestic browsers represented by 360 browsers, while standard browsers such as Firefox and Google are gray small locks. After setting the SSL certificate to https the website, the website still does not have a small green lock or a small triangle exclamation mark on the gray lock, especially

    2020/08/28 six thousand three hundred and twenty-eight Website Encyclopedia
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