About us

Literal interpretation of Yiwuku: a resource warehouse beneficial to me;

Yiwuku pinyin "yiwuku" is the main domain name of this website. The complete website is www.yiwuku. com;

Yiwuku website is mainly committed to sharing website knowledge and resources, adhering to the concept of selection, not seeking big but comprehensive, adhering to the refined and scarce route, while providing original works and code services to small customer groups.

Yiwuku is willing to learn and progress together with beginners to share the most meaningful and valuable bits and pieces in the process of building the site; They are also willing to discuss emerging professional technologies with senior webmasters, and share various resources and knowledge for building websites; Yiwuku welcomes all high-quality contributions related to the theme of this site, and accepts friends with certain ability to publish website resources and original works without dispute. All this is because we firmly believe that only openness, interaction, communication and mutual benefit can make a website develop vigorously and continuously.

Yiwuku webmaster Er Jin and his friends have the following circle to look forward to your joining:

ZBlog application communication QQ group: 183937840

Emlog plug-in template webmaster communication group: 216068188

Discuz plug-in template webmaster communication group: 216068040

The rope cuts through the wood, the drop of water wears through the stone, and you are more wonderful on the way of perseverance!