Yiwuku Boutique resources ZblogPHP Topic: Alist Minimal Adaptive [VIP]

ZblogPHP Topic: Alist Minimal Adaptive [VIP]

  ZblogPHP Topic: Alist Minimal Adaptive [VIP]

Price: forty-eight .00

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A flat and simple style personality theme, based on HTML5+CSS3、Bootstrap and jQuery The framework focuses on reading experience, Full screen responsive Adaptive to various screen terminals.


V3.2 Update : Adapt to zb1.6, add a sharing module switch, and handle multiple details including a navigation menu problem;


V3.1 update: cumulative optimization update, including comment form filling, mobile search, footer display and other details optimization improvement;


V3.0 update: add mobile search function, modify page title keyword connector, add title text and other details to the list diagram, optimize and improve (Thanks for the feedback and suggestions from users such as the tragic little people)


V2.9 update: add main navigation Secondary menu Function, to modify the image upload method (it will not be overwritten in the future), Replace sharing code The same model as that of the application center to eliminate the https problem, and handle the dislocation problem when the recommended reading title exceeds 3 lines in the right column of the article (Thanks for the feedback from the tragic little people)


V2.8 update: modify the right module of the article to recommend reading the current classification call (improve relevance), and continue to improve the left navigation adaptive display logic;


V2.7 update: improve the problem that the left footer information will overlap with the navigation menu for mobile computers with smaller screens;


V2.6 update: The update matches Z-BlogPHP 1.5 and is no longer compatible with 1.4. Before upgrading, you need to update the system to version 1.5;


V2.5 update: continue to optimize the mobile terminal [class name display in the header of the classification page+navigation in the upper right corner of the article page+phone extension in the lower right corner], and optimize the background settings [author link can Free modification Has] (Thank you for your feedback)


V2.4 update: mobile terminal many Details optimization, including the handling of dislocation in 320 small screens in the comments (Thanks for brother Xiao Man's feedback)


V2.3 update: add the display of friendship links to the home page, with Tags in the upper right corner of the mobile phone Label changed to navigation category , can be hidden when the 2D code image text is empty, and several other style optimizations;


V2.2 update: add search function, correct QQ link dislocation when phone button is not displayed (Thanks for Star Sky's feedback)


V2.1 update: new comment function, article size zooming in/out function, navigation current classification highlighting and other details optimization;


View attached drawings

 QQ screenshot 20170301200549.png

Default home page:

Graph list:

Article details:

 QQ screenshot 20160303232118.jpg

Main setting interface:

Mobile terminal adaptive style:


The purchase on this page is only a supplement to the payment method of Z-Blog Application Center. If the attached figure is not shown or you need more information, you can click here Go to the application center to view.

account number: mxy310@163.com [Copy]
account number: seventy-seven million nine hundred and forty thousand one hundred and forty [Copy]