Zblogphp theme error template selection pit

August 16, 2018 07:15:13 Yidian Yidi four thousand nine hundred and seven

As we all know, the zblogphp program is very powerful and popular with webmasters, but nothing is absolutely perfect, and it also has the same imperfect details as other open source systems. Since theme users often ask Yiwuku about the reasons for the errors shown in the figure below, today we will break the template selection pit of zblogphp theme errors.


The most likely error of the zblogphp website as shown in the above figure is that inappropriate (unnecessary) template selection is made when editing articles, categories or pages, and normal (default) selection can be resumed. These functions of the zblogphp system support template selection, but do not identify and filter templates. All different types of templates will appear in the options, which undoubtedly gives novices a chance to enter the pit. Different types of page program variables are different. When selecting an article type template for classification (list) and selecting a classification (list) type template for an article, an exception error may occur.

As shown in the figure below, when publishing an article, the template is set to the single option by default. Unless you know how to choose it, or you just want to experiment out of curiosity, you'd better not choose it randomly. This is the experience summarized by countless zblogphp users.


In fact, unless the theme and plug-in currently used have a variety of templates of the same kind built in, and there are clear instructions on how to use them, editing articles, categories, or page operations are There is no need to select a template Generally speaking, a set of topics has only one homepage/category/article/page template by default, and the system will automatically identify the corresponding activation without manual intervention. If multiple templates are preset for the same type of page, there will be related descriptions, or the Chinese name of the template can be seen directly as shown in the following figure:

There are two types of templates for the classification list shown in the above figure: list default and list_news. Other templates in the options cannot be selected without knowing their functions.

In a word, it is absolutely right for a novice to be curious and dare to try. Some errors are only caused by making unknown settings. Why do users make unknown settings? This may be the so-called pit. Yiwuku hopes that the zblogphp system can optimize the template selection function in the future. I hope everyone can be more efficient and less confused. Those who are interested in learning more about zblogphp theme templates can continue to read ZblogPHP's latest template tutorial How does zblogphp modify the theme?

Excellent, really powerful! Well, we must encourage~

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