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Index number: 485859840/202307-00062 Assembly classification: Public announcement
Issued by: Yingquan District Finance Bureau Subject classification: Finance, finance, audit, state-owned assets supervision
title: Yingquan District Government Procurement Violation Reporting Method Document No.: nothing
Information source: Yingquan District Finance Bureau Effectiveness: Valid
Written date: 2023-07-31 Date of issue: 2023-07-31
key word: Complaints and reports
Yingquan District Government Procurement Violation Reporting Method
Published on: 16:56, July 31, 2023 Views: 5940 Font:[ large in Small ]

Notice on Report of Yingquan District Government Procurement

1、 In the field of government procurement, there are violations of government procurement laws and regulations, business environment documents, mainly reflected in the discriminatory, restrictive, and fair competition provisions set in government procurement documents. Do not report anything unrelated to government procurement;

2、 Informants are requested to consciously abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China. The contents of the report should be objective and true. Do not fabricate or distort the facts; Otherwise, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

3、 Reporting way:

Tel.: 0558-2618531 E-mail: 3701101@qq.com

Email address: Procurement Unit, Room 415, Yingquan District Finance Bureau, No. 199, Fu'an Road, Yingquan District, Fuyang City