Technical Documentation

This column is mainly about the articles about labeling "technical documents" in JueYi ancient and modern, so that users can quickly find and read them easily.

How to create an appreciation account on WeChat official account? Detailed picture and text tutorial attached

 2019-07-08   WeChat Tutorial Yi ancient and modern

The last two days after re registering the WeChat public account, we learned that we can create an appreciation account. Although some people may not reward us, we really feel sorry that we didn't bother with this function, so we decided to bother with it and share the process with everyone. Tips: From June 6, 2018

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What is the verification of Guangxi website filing SMS? How to operate?

 2019-04-07   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

A few days ago, in the article "When you are ill, you will know whether a healthy important website has been filed or is in constant trouble", it was mentioned that Yigujin Blog needs to change the main information of the website, that is, it needs to be filed again, because the mobile phone number left by the original filing is empty. This change filing is no different from the usual filing

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How to change the logo of Nana theme and WP version Blogs theme?

 2018-09-26   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

In fact, many themes now like to integrate logo upload and replacement into theme options so that users can upload or replace logos. However, considering the low probability of using this setting, I am lazy not to integrate theme options, but instead upload and overwrite directly through FTP. But often

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How to DIY homemade sushi at home? Please refer to my wife's practice

 2018-09-12   Essay diary Yi ancient and modern

Two days ago, we bought some materials related to sushi production on Tmall, such as sushi roll, sushi seaweed, sushi vinegar, meat floss, salad sauce, tomato sauce, radish strips and other materials, and then cooked rice and fried eggs for use. How to make sushi at home? 1. Boiled rice (PS: Recommended

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The reason for the freezing of SendCloud account and the measures after unsealing

 2018-09-06   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

I saw someone on the Internet who said that the SendCloud account could not be unsealed after being frozen. At that time, I also believed that I really wanted to give up. Fortunately, I finally contacted the SendCloud customer service and successfully unsealed it. Therefore, it is recommended to communicate with SendCloud staff to explain the situation and strive for

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How to cancel the articles recommended by webmaster for Nana theme and Blogs theme?

 2018-08-30   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

Recently, a blogger asked that when he was editing an article, he had checked "Push to the webmaster's recommendation" gadget, and the article would appear in the webmaster's recommendation of the "comprehensive article" gadget on the sidebar. Now he wants to know how to cancel the display of the article in the "webmaster's recommendation"? So today I will tell you about this problem

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Solution to PCI DSS non-compliance in HTTPS certificate deployment

 2018-08-14   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

At present, the site deployment of HTTPS is irresistible, so many blog websites have upgraded to HTTPS, but there may be some problems when deploying HTTPS, so it is necessary for us to use a third-party platform (such as myssl. com) to detect

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WordPress Gutenberg Editor Experience

 2018-08-13   cover and contain everything Yi ancient and modern

After WordPress is upgraded to 4.9.8, it can be compatible with the Gutenberg editor. As the main editor of WordPress in the future, it is necessary for us as webmasters to know about it. So today, Yigujin will use this new editor with you. At present

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