Is it reliable to only eat watermelons every night to lose weight? Why does watermelon lose weight gain weight?

arrangement Master of sorting 2022-07-29 18:31:36 update   Today's answer
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Ant Manor Classroom Today's subject In order to lose weight, only eat watermelons every night. Is it reliable?

  • Maybe the more you eat, the fatter you get
  • Weight loss success is just around the corner

answer: Maybe the more you eat, the fatter you get

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Watermelon diet is not reliable! Although the highest water content of watermelon is 94%, it will make people feel full. Secondly, the fat content of watermelon is very low, and it has rich crude fiber. The crude fiber can absorb water and expand, help promote the peristalsis of large intestine, help expel toxins from the body, and can also diuretic, help digestion, and eliminate edema

Even so, one thing we can't ignore is that the sugar content of watermelon is very high! The sugar content of commercially available watermelon is about 7-8%. Calculated by 7%, the sugar content of 500g watermelon meat is 35g, and the sugar content of 2kg melon pulp is more than 70g, which is equivalent to the carbohydrate content of a bowl of rice (100g rice contains about 77g carbohydrate). It can be seen from the calculation that the sugar content of watermelon is very high.

However, unlike rice, it is easy to feel full. The fructose contained in watermelons has the characteristic of not feeling full. Therefore, it is difficult for people to control their appetite when eating watermelons. If they are not careful, they will consume too much sugar. If they do not increase exercise, they will inevitably gain weight.

Source: Speaking seriously about health- If you don't eat at night but only eat watermelons, can you be thin? Be careful, the more you eat, the fatter you get

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