How to choose a nice name for WeChat? Let AI generate WeChat nickname according to your heart

Yi ancient and modern 2024-06-20 09:28:25 updated   Technical Documentation

There are often netizens who worry about what WeChat name (nickname) to choose. They always feel that their online name is too common. If they want to choose a nice online name, what should they do?

In fact, if we can't think of a particularly creative online name, we can use AI to help us generate the desired online name, and then select the favorite one.

Now we will teach you how to use Tencent Yuanbao AI to help us get a nice WeChat name. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the mobile WeChat, search and follow the "pension question", and then send: nine hundred and ninety-nine

 How to choose a nice name for WeChat? Let AI generate WeChat nickname according to your heart - Page 1 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

2. Click the Tencent Yuanbao applet link in the auto reply message, and click the [Allow] button>>Click the [Agree] button to use Tencent Yuanbao for the first time, and click the mobile phone number bound to WeChat to successfully log in.

 How to choose a nice name for WeChat? Let AI generate WeChat nickname according to your heart - Page 2 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

Tencent Yuanbao and WeChat are the same company, so you don't have to worry about the leakage of WeChat and mobile phone numbers, you can log in and use them with confidence.

3. Enter the WeChat name you want, for example: please help me generate 10 more elegant WeChat nicknames. If it requires 4 characters, Tencent Yuanbao AI will automatically generate 10 more elegant 4 characters after sending.

 How to choose a nice name for WeChat? Let AI generate WeChat nickname according to your heart - Page 3 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

If you don't like it, continue to input your requirements and let it continue to generate network names; If you are satisfied, long press the answer for 1 second and click "Copy extract".

4. Select your desired online name, click "Copy", and then paste and replace the original WeChat name.

 How to choose a nice name for WeChat? Let AI generate WeChat nickname according to your heart - Page 4 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

That is to say, if you want to choose a nice WeChat name, you can refer to the operation steps in this article, then enter your desired network name type and requirements, and then select the most satisfactory one from the network names automatically generated by AI.

Even if the network name automatically generated by AI is not satisfactory, you can continue to input your own requirements and let it continue to generate a more desirable network name.

In theory, the more and more detailed your requirements are, the more the generated net name will meet your requirements!

If you are still worried about choosing a nice WeChat name, please refer to this method to generate your favorite name!

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