WeChat nickname customization Add mobile signal online symbol (digital customization, optional G, H, T, E)

Yi ancient and modern Released at 21:11:15 on May 6, 2024   Technical Documentation

The " How to add 5G/6G online logo after WeChat nickname? The article introduces that if you want to obtain the online signs of 2-9G signals, you can directly send 002-009 to obtain two types of signal signs, and then copy and paste them behind your nickname.

For example, if you want to obtain the 6G signal logo, you just need to pay attention to the "Daily Answer" public account and send: 006.

 WeChat nickname customization Add mobile signal online symbol (digital customization, optional G, H, T, E) - Page 1 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

However, some netizens left messages saying that they want other mobile phone signals, such as those at the end of H, T and E, and the mobile phone signal online logo with a larger number, so the daily answer has a signal online logo nickname generator. You need to pay attention to us and send: 001. Click to open this generator.

 WeChat nickname customization Add mobile signal online symbol (digital customization, optional G, H, T, E) - Page 2 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

For example, if I want to make a 1314H signal online identification, I just need to open the generator and follow the steps below:

Click a signal symbol, such as the second one;

  1. Enter numbers, such as 1314;
  2. Click a signal letter, such as H;
  3. Click Generate;
  4. Click the [Copy Signal Nickname] button;
  5. Click the "X" in the upper left corner to close the generator.

 WeChat nickname customization Add mobile signal online symbol (digital customization, optional G, H, T, E) - Page 3 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

Then paste the copied signal online identification behind the nickname, and click the [Save] button.

 WeChat nickname customization Add mobile signal online symbol (digital customization, optional G, H, T, E) - Page 4 - Yigujin (www.yigujin. cn)

After a while, you can see that the 1314H signal online logo is behind the nickname. If you can't see it, you can first close WeChat and then reopen it.

Of course, in the "Signal Online Logo Nickname Generator", you can also input a nickname first, click to select a signal symbol, then input a number, click to select a signal letter, then generate and copy it, and finally delete and paste the original nickname.

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Address: https://www.yigujin.cn/blog/p10722.html

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