Why is the title and content of the public account articles written with red scarves instead of red scarves loving learning?

Yi ancient and modern Updated at 11:36:42 on February 26, 2024   Red scarf loves learning

I don't know why, WeChat official account Personal public accounts are not allowed to publish articles containing the keyword "red scarf loves learning" , only the public account of relevant government qualification certification is allowed to be released.

If the personal public account publishes articles related to "Red Scarf Love Learning", it can also be published successfully, but it will not be included, nor will it be searched, even on the home page of the public account.

So in order to avoid the sensitive word "red scarf loves learning", the daily answer public account The articles related to "red scarf loves learning" can only be replaced by "red scarf" As for how long it can be used, I don't know. Once the published articles cannot be searched, it is meaningless to continue publishing.

So I hope you can understand, When reading articles related to the "red scarf" on the public account, you can replace the "red scarf" with "red scarf loves learning"

Address: https://www.yigujin.cn/blog/p10009.html

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