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Contents in May 2024

Daily sharing

Daily benefits sharing 2024-05-31

admin 2 weeks ago (05-31)

Software resources ChatTTS Prepair, a text to speech model specially designed for dialogue scenarios AI simulation technology interview tool More AI workers

Quality Documents

Programming Practice Tutorial Series of "Big Model of Hands on Learning"

admin 2 weeks ago (05-31)

The series of programming practice tutorials of "Hands on Learning Big Model" is expanded from the lecture notes of the course "Artificial Intelligence Security Technology" of Shanghai Jiaotong University (teacher: Zhang Zhuosheng), which aims to provide a reference for introductory programming related to big models. Through simple practice, help students quickly get started with the big model and better carry out curriculum design or academic research. Document address: https://sjtullm.g...


Bypass Paywalls Clean

admin 2 weeks ago (05-31)

For the websites of the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Medium and other websites that adopt the pay subscription model, in order to bypass these pay walls, many free tools have been born, among which the most famous is the Bypass Paywalls Clean series of tools, which are free, easy to use and support many websites. On April 13, after receiving

Quality Documents


admin 2 weeks ago (05-30)

Address of documents involving product, management, design, operation and other directions: Please note that more excellent document resources are reproduced: Monks are like beginners, Buddhas are

Daily sharing

Daily benefit sharing 2024-05-30

admin 2 weeks ago (05-30)

Software resource YOLOv10 Real time end-to-end target detection ArtMe One click turns photos into clay, 3D, pixel, Lego and other art styles More AI tools&nbs

Daily sharing

Daily benefits sharing 2024-05-29

admin 2 weeks ago (05-29)

Software resource Pandora Video generation model. Support the generation of video across any domain to simulate the world state, and support the use of natural language to dynamically control the generated video PassportMaker https:/


WeNomad, Digital homeless livable city navigation

admin 2 weeks ago (05-29)

WeNomad is a site that provides a guide to the best livable cities for remote workers and digital nomads. At present, the website has collected 162 global cities suitable for telecommuting and digital nomad friendly. For each city, from community popularity, cost of living, user rating, weather, WIFI speed, WIFI stability, English popularity, night students

Quality Documents

Product Meditation

admin 2 weeks ago (05-29)

Product Thinking is a knowledge base about products and also a newsletter; Since 2017, the principals are Pliezus and fonter; It has released nearly 200+issues, covering dozens of people/products/company special studies


NoteApps, Encyclopedia of note taking software, note taking software selection assistant

admin 3 weeks ago (05-28)

In recent years, APP in the field of "note app" has emerged one after another, with a high degree of introspection. There are works of both big manufacturers and grassroots works of independent developers. There is a cold joke in the programmer circle: basically every programmer with a sideline idea has the impulse to do "note APP". For ordinary users, it seems that they are not satisfied with the existing note apps. On forums like V2ex