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Contents in January 2022


Academic Research Tools Mirror Website Daquan

admin Two years ago (2022-01-28)

It includes Google Google, Wikipedia Wikipedia, Google Academic, Github, Sci Hub, Internet Archive and other mirror stations. These sites are indispensable tools for every researcher and are worth recommending to students who are not convenient to climb the wall. Official website address: https://ji...


More than 1000 terabytes of Alibaba online disk resources have been collated in an ultra comprehensive way, which is diverse and rich in content

admin Two years ago (2022-01-20)

The classification is detailed and the content is complete, which is worth recommending. Resource download address For more e-book and tutorial resources, please browse JuBT for reprinting. Please note: Monks are as good as ever, and Buddhas are more than enough to become Buddhists. » More than 1000 tons of Ali online disk resources have been sorted out. They are diverse and rich in content


ACG Yingying strange, completely free of all kinds of games

admin Two years ago (2022-01-15)

Powered by love, the site can share all kinds of paid games and software for free, including mobile games, computer games, simulator games, etc. The software package is clean, without messy bundles. Old managers who like games are worth collecting. Latest address of official website: Permanent address of official website: ,...


Youth pictures, daily interesting pictures, soul chicken soup collection

admin Two years ago (2022-01-11)

Interesting and funny motion pictures can be called "all ages eat all". If you bring some soul chicken soup and philosophy pictures, you can better meet people's self anesthesia needs. There are many such websites, including sneeze pictures and youth pictures. The youth picture excerpt is very good, interesting but not vulgar, updated daily, and very diligent. Recommend it. More interesting and interesting sites, welfare resource stations


New subtitle group, American TV series resources download station

admin Two years ago (2022-01-09)

The NEW subtitle group is a new American TV series resource station. Although it is a subtitle group, it is different from subtitle stations such as subtitle library and SUBHD. The experience of the new subtitle group website is good, without advertisements, with a clean interface and frequent resource updates, which deserves the attention of American TV fans


Vertical encyclopedia knowledge station

admin Two years ago (2022-01-01)

In addition to comprehensive encyclopedia knowledge stations such as Wikipedia, Baidu Encyclopedia and Interactive Encyclopedia, there are also some encyclopedia knowledge stations focusing on a certain vertical field. These vertical encyclopedia knowledge stations are quite interesting and practical. Summarize the relevant resources, which will be updated continuously. Name introduction website wikiHow is a guide to everything you can trust. Similar sites https://...