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Content in October 2021


115 Dump Assistant UI optimized version Dump resource garbled

admin Three years ago (2021-10-31)

Many people ask that the new version of 115 Dump Assistant ui optimization version will have the so-called garbled code problem during the dump. The solution is: 1. Upgrade to the latest v3.1 version of 115 Dump Assistant ui optimization version. user.js or 115 Dump Assistant ui optimization version script source code (the latest version is v3.1) should be able to solve most garbled code problems


Alibaba Cloud disk resource search engine

admin Three years ago (2021-10-17)

Recently, there have been many resources shared through AliCloud disks, and there have also been forums dedicated to sharing AliCloud disk resources, such as AliCloud sites and AliCloud disk sites. In addition to using these forums' own site search, is there an aggregation search engine for AliCloud disk resources? Currently, there are four aggregate search engines that support AliCloud disk resource search: Nai


101 development courses of Lagao Education

admin Three years ago (2021-10-16)

All positions in the software industry from the front end to the back end and operation; 101 courses in total, covering front-end and back-end operations and various posts; Size: 428GB One click transfer summary link: Category Transfer Link: "Product&Design Category"

Miscellaneous thoughts

Personal growth data collection (AliCloud disk resources)

admin Three years ago (2021-10-11)

It includes education, workplace, social science, financial management and personal growth. It has been classified and will be updated continuously. For more resources, please refer to: e-book resources: The free e-book resources collection in 2021 supports the magnetic search engine for searching e-book resources. Please refer to the online disk search of JuBT magnetic search section for supporting the search of e-book resources


An Enterprise Digital Asset Payment Protocol Framework

admin Three years ago (2021-10-11)

In the blockchain era, the issuance (digitalization)/consumption (payment) logic of enterprises' digital assets is quite different from that of traditional Internet payment. Although there are already Synthetix and Kyber projects exploring asset digitization, enterprise asset digitization is still in its early stage. Just equity assets like points, airline miles, coupons, NFT


Collection of data on gender relations

admin Three years ago (2021-10-10)

For reproduction of the collection of gender relations data (Alibaba Cloud disk), please note: Monks are as good as ever, and Buddhas are more than enough; Collection of gender relations data


Download 115 files using Aria2 and IDM

admin Three years ago (2021-10-05)

Someone asked how to use download tools like IDM and Aria2 to directly download 115 files? Main ideas: 1. Use the "115 Download Assistant" extension (115Exporter) to obtain the actual download path of 115 files to be downloaded, and export them to Aria2 or IDM download files. 2. Obtain 115 User Agen