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Content in July 2021


Thoughts on Reading the "White Paper on China's Digital RMB"

admin 3 years ago (2021-07-20)

The People's Bank of China released the White Paper on the Progress of Research and Development of China's Digital RMB a few days ago, and various media/We Media have been hyping for a while, but most of the content is extracted from the white paper in large paragraphs, and I haven't seen much valuable interpretation, especially some questions that I am interested in. To be honest, after reading the white paper, the biggest feeling is that the white paper talks more about some ideas


Summary of common live broadcast sources

admin Three years ago (2021-07-09)

Summarize the commonly used live feeds. This post will be updated for a long time. The name introduction website iptv org has collected more than 5000 live TV sources, which is rich in resources Tvlist awesome-m3u-m3u8 live source


About sharing and using 115 network disk

admin Three years ago (2021-07-09)

One after another, so-called "users" came to teach me how to be a man, reprimanding the use of 115 online disks instead of Baidu online disks. Hang a typical "user" comment. I will never detain such so-called "users" who only know what to ask for but don't know what to offer for the purpose of paying for nothing. If they lose, they will lose. There are also many users who ask questions about paying groups and paying for purchases. Due to limited energy, they don't want to


115 Instructions for JSON format resource files

admin Three years ago (2021-07-07)

One after another, someone asked how to download the resources of the JSON format file on the 115 online disk. In fact, the 115 resource transfer method (the updated version) simply mentioned that if the link format of the transfer is a json file, click "Select File" after "or import the sha1 link file (txt/json)" to import the json format file. That is, you can


JuBT's latest address publishing page

admin Three years ago (2021-07-03)

The original github address publishing page of JuBT is invalid. The latest address publishing page is: Or In addition, users feedback that,, and cannot be accessed, and most of them are telecom users. China Unicom