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Contents in July 2020


One click paste Chrome extension development experience summary 5: extraction of web page image resources

admin Four years ago (2020-07-29)

The previous articles on the realization of one click posting technology summarized the requirements, architecture, how to judge whether any link is a picture type, and how to preprocess web content, and finally got to the main topic: extraction of web media resources (currently only limited to image resources, but similar ideas can be applied to video and audio files). 1、 Web page content image resource extraction technical solution from the web page


One click paste Chrome extension development experience summary 4: webpage content preprocessing

admin Four years ago (2020-07-19)

The core task of one click posting is the processing of image resource files, including page image extraction, image meta information acquisition, common image type conversion, WEBP type processing (such as WEBP moving image conversion to GIF), and web image link crawler. But before starting to process image resources, we first face a problem: how to extract web content better? That is to say, the image


One click paste Chrome extension development experience summary 3: How to judge whether any link is an image type

admin Four years ago (July 12, 2020)

In the development of one click repost, we first face two basic problems: Question 1: Given a URL link address arbitrarily, how can we determine whether the resource corresponding to the link is a picture? Question 2: If it is an image, how to obtain meta information such as width, height, image type (JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, etc.) of the image


World Adult website TOP-50! Have you ever visited?

admin Four years ago (July 12, 2020)

An old driver often asks: Where did the rich magnetic stations and film and television station resource stations on JuBT come from? Except that some resource stations are recommended by netizens or webmasters, most websites are obtained through and Traditional Internet


One click Posting Chrome Extension Development Experience Summary 2: One click Posting Core Architecture Flow Chart

admin Four years ago (2020-07-04)

After more than three weeks of development, the overall function of the one click repost browser extension has been basically developed. After completion in recent days, it will be released for use. Please wait. According to the requirements and architecture design in "One click Post Chrome Extension Development Experience Summary 1 - Requirements and Architecture Design", MVP products were quickly developed. But when there are many pictures of published content