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Contents in May 2019


Blockchain based subscription payment architecture

admin Five years ago (2019-05-31)

In real business applications, in addition to the scenario where the payer actively pays (called PUSHPAY mode here), it also includes the scenario where the payee actively initiates a deduction request and automatically completes the deduction (PULLPAY mode). There are many ways to call such businesses, including subscription payment, recurring payment

online finance

2019's latest WeChat change fee free withdrawal scheme

admin Five years ago (2019-05-28)

In 2019, many schemes of WeChat fee free withdrawal are no longer feasible, such as change transfer to Caitong/Zhiqian Tong, xx lottery, xx financing, etc. Here is a summary of the latest WeChat fee free withdrawal scheme in 2019. 1. Repayment of credit card in installments by using WeChat change to recharge through orange financing, and then withdrawal was once one of the plans for free withdrawal of service charges

online finance

Currency price fluctuation risk of cryptocurrency aggregate payment and countermeasures

admin Five years ago (2019-05-23)

Because cryptocurrency itself fluctuates greatly, and the transaction cost and risk cost of multiple links are involved in the process of receipt and clearing settlement, how to deal with currency price fluctuations, reduce receipt risk, and reduce overall receipt cost has become one of the biggest challenges in cryptocurrency aggregate payment. The risks come from several aspects: 1. The price of goods marked by merchants fluctuates greatly due to the cryptocurrency, so the price of goods marked by merchants fluctuates greatly


BT seed/magnetic force, while looking at the artifact WebTorrent, multi platform support

admin Five years ago (2019-05-19)

The online play/offline download function of software and services that originally supported online play/offline download, including Xunlei, 115, Baidu online disk, has been disabled, charged or disabled. WebTorrent is an open source project that supports magnetic/BT download while broadcasting. It also provides desktop and web versions. Based on WebTorrent technology, there are also some

online finance

One time use scheme for Alipay and WeChat QR code

admin Five years ago (2019-05-17)

At present, the personal collection code of Alipay/WeChat is used for collection. Because the generated QR code is permanently valid, if the user takes a screenshot of the QR code, even if the page fails, the user can still scan the QR code for payment, which will cause many problems in order matching. Some people on the market claim that there is black technology, which can realize the scheme that one code can only be used once. In fact, it's not difficult, just

online finance

Two dimensional code principle of Alipay transfer to bank card continued - how to hide card number

admin Five years ago (May 12, 2019)

A student asked how to realize the function of hiding the card number, that is, after the payer scans the code, part of the card number information is replaced by *, and the complete card information is not displayed to avoid information disclosure. I found a code and tested it. It can indeed hide the card number information, which is what some websites say: the latest technology of hiding card numbers. In fact, the principle is similar, but more parameters are used. Alipay transfer to

online finance

Two dimensional code principle of Alipay transfer to bank card

admin Five years ago (May 12, 2019)

Look at a bunch of live code making products that support the so-called "generating Alipay transfer to bank card QR code", which is known as "the latest hidden card number technology", and the charges are not cheap. I was curious about what black technology was used. After studying it, I didn't use any advanced technology. The most important thing was to use the scheme of alipay transfer to the bank. 1. Alipay Transfer scheme a

online finance

Blockchain aggregation payment platform architecture

admin Five years ago (2019-05-09)

Core process: 1) For each kind of Coin or Token supported, the blockchain aggregation payment platform generates a batch of corresponding collection addresses or accounts in advance, that is, the so-called "account pool/address pool" has account pools or address pools, which are mainly designed for different blockchain platforms. For example: Bitcoin has no account, but a pri

online finance

Summary of International Debit Cards Issued by Chinese Mainland Banks in 2019

admin Five years ago (2019-05-05)

When overseas shopping, booking hotels and flights, purchasing foreign VPS and other products and services, these websites and services generally require verification and binding of cards issued by foreign card issuing organizations such as VISA/MasterCard/AE. For compatriots in mainland China, in many cases, they may not be able to use credit cards. In this case, in addition to applying for overseas applications such as Pay&