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➀ Link What does Zhuangzi mean by "waiting for something"

The original sentence is "I know what I have to do, and then I will do it. What I have to do with it is very uncertain", which is originated from "Leisure Travel" and the first chapter of "Zhuangzi".

"Something to be expected" It means to rely on and treat others. It means that the realization of a certain desire and requirement of a person must be subject to certain subjective and objective conditions. The so-called "no waiting" means no dependence, which means that people's thoughts and behaviors are not restricted by certain conditions.

Chuang Tzu believed that "waiting for something" is the fundamental reason why life cannot be free. Freedom can only be achieved by getting rid of waiting and reaching no waiting, that is to say, free travel is the free realm of waiting for nothing.

Original extract:

Although, there are problems. If one knows what to do, he will do it later. Do you know that heaven is not human? Is the so-called "man is not heaven"?


In spite of this, there are still worries. People must rely on their knowledge to determine whether it is appropriate or not, but the objects they know are unstable. How can I know that what I said is natural is not man-made, and how can I know that what I said is man-made is not natural?


➁ Link Live in a plain text file | Defend a plain text blog

This article talks about the cost of keeping notes, and compares the difference between rich text or note software and plain text. In the aspect of content retrieval, incremental retrieval of plain text can also locate quickly. Tens of thousands of lines of notes occupy very low disk space and are highly efficient. A logical recording method may not be very confusing in a large single file.

The current personal problem with plain text files is the editing application on the mobile end and cross platform synchronization. IOS does not have a very good editing application.


➂ Link Deep habit: WorkingMemory.txt (the most important productivity tool you have never heard of)

This scheme is actually a plain text task management. For plain text, its record flexibility is more flexible than that of common TODO applications. It is randomly grouped and combined as needed, but lacks the reminder function. However, the purpose of this program is to record and recall the task memory, keep it open on the desktop, and check the record at any time. Most people who do not use task management applications are similar to each other in that they use similar methods to record things, or in their notebooks. Through plain text, if the new or closed tasks of each day can be reasonably displayed, and there is a reasonable processing flow, it is the focus of the scheme. Used in the scheme [ ] As a status identifier of a task Another solution Very close. The tasks are concentrated in one document at a glance, which is also conducive to overall consideration and priority adjustment. A fixed and effective recording method can clear your mind and focus on your current work.


➃ Link How does the OBSIDIAN CEO use OBSIDIAN ( translation )

Folders I will use:

Attachments: pictures, audio, video, PDF and other attachments.

Web clipping: articles and web pages written by others captured with My Web Clipper.

Daily record: record my daily notes every day, all named YYYY-MM-DD.md. (Note to Rocket: I use LogSeq to deal with such notes)

Various quotations: from books, movies, places, people, podcasts, etc.

Template of template: My real "template" folder is nested under the Meta, which also contains my personal style guide and other random comments about the vault.

Folders I don't use: (Details...)