What is the best writing order for CSS style sheet properties?

I haven't changed the article for a long time, and the blog is going to be abandoned. I'm ashamed to say that I just sorted out the style sheet I wrote earlier this time. Let's talk about the writing order of the attributes in the CSS style sheet. Like many beginners

A piece of CSS code makes your ad stand up

Advertising has always been a double-edged sword for websites, which can bring benefits to websites and may affect user experience. Especially advertising alliances, you never know what the next advertisement will be. Sometimes we are a little bit broad-minded

Several common CSS front-end effects make it easier to write pages

Making a page requires some basic CSS skills. Although there are many mature frameworks such as bootstrap, we can easily make some page effects. But it is very important to master the writing method of each common effect

Use CSS3 to add a similar radar scanning effect to the button

Today's web front-end technologies are emerging in endlessly, and the web pages you see have gradually evolved from the original simple and rigid style to the "modern" effect of gorgeous multiple special effects. Today, use CSS3 to add a radar scanning effect to a button

Solution to the problem that the inline block element cannot be aligned when floating up

I have to say display: inline block; It is a powerful css attribute, which solves many shortcomings of floating layout and makes the page layout more casual and flexible. But this attribute that changes the element type also exists

Using CSS3 to make jumping music spectrum jumping effect

When I saw the prompt title of "Live" on a website, it was interesting that there was a chart before the text, which was a music like effect jumping up and down. At first, I thought it was a gif image, and I was going to save it for use. But review

Using CSS absolute positioning to realize adaptive centering of block elements

Centering elements is one of the most common tasks in front-end development. For inline elements, we can use text align: center for the parent element; Attribute to handle easily; For blocky elements, the most important thing that must be used is to make

Draw a yellow person with pure css3 and achieve animation effect

It has to be said that the emergence of CSS3 makes the web pages more colorful and vivid. The effects that used to be achieved by pictures can now be solved by several pieces of css, and also solve the problem of blurred image materials when the resolution changes. Higher

Use RGBA to achieve color translucency and compatible with low version IE browser

When designing the page, we need to use the transparency of some element colors to achieve better results. For example, the text description background color of the slide focus map is mostly translucent black, which is more beautiful than using pure black background color directly. For

Using: hover pseudo class to realize the effect of mouse pointing to the block to slide out the small prompt

I found a very interesting effect on a platform before. There is a small button on the advertisement. When the mouse points to the advertisement, a text prompt "Also want to show here? Contact us" appears on the side of the small button, similar to "100

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