Perfect embedding in website information flow layout Baidu Alliance PC feed advertising online

Baidu Alliance's advertising styles are mainly pure pictures, pictures and texts, and native advertising. At present, "native advertising" is more popular because it can intelligently match user needs (poor user privacy). If used properly, it can give

Baidu Advertising Alliance has launched new product Wap "picture channel" online

With the development of large screen smart phones in recent years, the dependence of Internet users on mobile devices has increased year by year. According to the data from many statistical institutions, the number of mobile end visits of many websites has exceeded that of the PC end. The value of mobile advertising should not be underestimated

Layout mobile web ads Google Adsense launches "web ads"

Today, when I opened the background of Google Adsense, a banner appeared on the top to remind me of the "new launch: web advertising". After preliminary testing, I came to the conclusion that this is a kind of mobile web screen insertion and floating banner launched by Adsense

Using Baidu SSP media service to achieve random display of multiple advertising alliance content

At present, online advertising alliances can be described as a hundred schools of thought contending. In addition to the old Google adsense, Baidu Alliance, and Sogou Alliance, there are advertising alliances of all sizes. For our grassroots webmasters, most of them will apply for multiple alliances to try their effects

What are the differences among CPC, CPS, CPA, CPM and CPV advertisements in the advertising alliance

For small and medium-sized webmasters and bloggers, in order to earn some income through the website, in addition to talking about monthly advertising space, the most likely thing is to put advertising alliance advertising. But with the continuous development of online advertising, advertising has a great form
