Only by attaching importance to nofollow and optimizing to the extreme can the website weight be rapidly increased

2016-3-9 15:42 come from A5 station master network 8,875 five four

For SEO practitioners and webmaster friends, nofollow tag is no stranger, and has always been a controversial html tag attribute. But you know, if we attach importance to nofollow and optimize it to the extreme, we can quickly increase the weight of the website. Let's see what professional SEO engineers say.

Preface: nofollow has always been a controversial html tag attribute. I remember the first time was the dispute between ZAC and Guoping, the two leaders. That dispute can be said to be very fierce, with different views. However, just yesterday, I was asked by the webmaster @ in the group to answer the question of nofollow. It's hard for nofollow to think about it.

So, the reason for writing this article today is that too many webmasters come to me to communicate with me about nofollow issues, including serious optimization problems among my customers. So, I took advantage of today's time to write an article to communicate with the webmaster.

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重

Here, let's explain the nofollow attribute first. I'm afraid many webmasters still don't understand this:

Nofollow is the HTML tag attribute of the link. If nofollow is made on the link, you can use this attribute to tell the search engine not to track the link on this page, or not to track a specific link, or these links are not recommended by this website. The key point is: as long as the link is nofollow, the current page will not export weights.

Now let's read the text:

The biggest problem with nofollow is that many webmasters do not do nofollow on the website, which results in the weight being distributed to some irrelevant page links.

The main reasons are: on the one hand, the webmasters ignored nofollow, and on the other hand, some webmasters did not know the use of nofollow. Of course, some webmasters who do not understand SEO do not know what nofollow is. In fact, in some of our SEO diagnostic customers, we often find that some customers do not know how to use the nofollow attribute to optimize the website's internal chain. For example, the weight of the home page is not properly allocated, a large number of non competitive rankings appear on the home page, or links of unimportant pages are not processed. For these problems, we will give the diagnosis customer some best optimization suggestions later.

To simply say what happened yesterday, there was a webmaster @ me in the SEO group in the afternoon. He asked me whether nofollow would transfer weight after adding links, and whether it would prevent search engines from crawling and crawling links? I gave a simple answer: there are two ways to write nofollow, one is to add nofollow to the link, the other is to add nofollow to the meta. Adding nofollow to links will be captured, but will not transfer weight. Take Tuniu. com for example, many of them are nofollow, but they should be included. Only adding nofollow in the meta will not be captured and will not transfer any weight. This problem has also been solved at present. If there are webmasters who do not understand or have other questions, they can communicate with me.

Let's talk about nofollow optimizing the inner chain:

As mentioned above, many webmasters have failed to optimize the website in this respect, which is a serious problem. If you don't know how to plan the weight trend, it is difficult to improve the weight of a website or break through the bottleneck. Of course, nofollow is just one of the promotion elements. Therefore, I also hope that the majority of webmasters pay attention to this! The following is simple:

1、 Handle page links of non competitive rankings through nofollow

First of all, we can use nofollow to deal with some non competitive ranking page links, such as registration, login, My Order, complaints and suggestions, advertising services, privacy protection and other page links on the website. Let's take a look at the nofollow optimization of Xiatuniu:

As shown in Figure 1:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 As shown in Figure 2:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 As shown in Figure 3:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 According to the three case diagrams, the links of these pages do not compete for rankings, but are only functional pages on the site. Therefore, we can do nofollow processing on page links like this on the whole site.

In addition: Do you need to handle the "Contact us" page link? Here's a simple statement: I remember that when I joined the SEO team of A5 webmaster website long ago, I once did a nofollow processing for the link of the "Contact us" page on the customer website, which was seen by Tang Shijun, the leader, who said that the link of this page should depend on the situation, because sometimes the "website brand+contact information" will also have a high search volume, At this time, this page also has a good ranking value. This matter is still fresh in my memory, so "contact us" does not need to do nofollow.

It should also be noted that if a page has two links to export other pages, you can add nofollow to the links exported for the second time. For example, if news updates and more are the same link, you can nofollow the latter. As shown in the figure:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重

2、 You can also do nofollow for the pages participating in the competitive ranking

Secondly, in addition to the non competitive ranking pages, nofollow can also be used to control the weight trend of some pages participating in the competitive ranking. Let's also take Tuniu's nofollow case as an example. I wonder if you have found that many SEO bosses take Tuniu as an example. At least, I have seen Ai Zhan Zheng Zhiping, Baidu forum moderator Pizi Rui, A5 webmaster Huang Zhong, etc., which fully shows that the case of this website is classic!

As shown in the figure:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 As can be seen from the figure above, all the tour group information on Tuniu has been processed. Their purpose is very simple. They just want to guide the weight to the tourist destination and not give the weight to the tour group information. From other pages, the strategy of tourist areas is also one of the main weight oriented pages. More specific webmasters can study more, and I will not elaborate here.

3、 You can not only do nofollow on the homepage of the website, but also on any page of the website

Finally, we can not only do nofollow on the homepage of the website, but also do it on any page of the website. For example, other navigation or category names of the column page, and some export links in the content page can be processed. We can look at a case, which is the nofollow processing of Baidu Knows and Baidu Experience content pages:

As shown in Figure 1:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 As shown in Figure 2:

重视nofollow并优化到极致 才能快速提升网站权重 The only suggestion is that webmasters and SEOers should pay attention to the tag nofollow and make full use of this tag to better guide the flow of weights in the station.

Write at the end:

Finally, the search engine may not fully comply with the nofollow set by the webmaster. If you want to do a good job of nofollow control page link weight, it is recommended to learn more about this knowledge. Of course, practice leads to true knowledge. It would be better if you could sum up more.

Author: Huang Zhong, SEO engineer of A5 webmaster

This article was last updated on October 13, 2016, and has not been updated for more than one year. If the article content or picture resources are invalid, please leave a message for feedback, and we will deal with it in a timely manner. Thank you!

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  • Statement: This article is from A5 station master network , the copyright belongs to the original author, and the content is only for the purpose of sharing, not representing the views of Yaxi!
    Current comments: 5 of which: visitor 0 blogger 0
    1. 8 years ago (2016-03-09) 0F

      Very practical

    2. 8 years ago (2016-03-09) 0F

      Thanks for sharing

    3. 8 years ago (2016-03-09) 0F

      Do many so-called experts and scholars often mislead people? For most people, they run a website instead of studying it. Make these small things so complicated. This is how to make the webmaster live?

      •  Wing
        8 years ago (2016-03-09) B1

        @ Jiangxi cattle breeder : I can't say that. This article speculates from the Internet stations such as Tuniu and Baidu, and looks for the optimization skills of nofollow tag. It is very useful for SEOer. Although SEO is not as popular as before, it is still beneficial for our website to toss about a little.


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