Tibet orderly carried out party discipline learning and education and learned the Regulations chapter by chapter

The Tibet Autonomous Region solidly promotes the study and education of party discipline

Carrying out Party discipline learning and education throughout the Party is an important measure to comprehensively strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. [Details]

Gamagongsang Street, Chengguan District, promotes community party members' learning and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical

Gamagongsang Street, Chengguan District, Lhasa City and the communities under its jurisdiction fully combine the theoretical learning center group's learning, "three meetings and one lesson", theme party day and other activities, and promote the party discipline learning and education work to go deep and solid with the "three-step method" of high-level deployment, making good use of positions, and sending students to the door. [Details]

Lai Jiao: solidly and effectively carry out Party discipline learning and education

The special training class on learning and education of Party discipline in the whole region was held in the Party School (School of Administration) of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and 1764 discipline inspection and supervision cadres from discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels and dispatched offices participated in the training through the "on-site+online" mode. [Details]

Lhasa Retirees' Party Branch of Tibet Daily conscientiously organized Party members to study the Disciplinary Regulations

Everyone said that they would retire without fading, further enhance their sense of discipline and rules, consciously transform iron discipline into daily habits and action criteria, and always be a loyal, clean and responsible party member cadre. [Details]

The "two-level" party discipline study and education class of the CPPCC Autonomous Region was held

Deeply study and implement the important speech and instruction spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the study and education of party discipline, and conduct exchange and discussion around the study and implementation of the newly revised Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Discipline. [Details]

The CPPCC of the autonomous region held special counseling lectures on learning and education of party discipline

On the afternoon of the 15th, the CPPCC of the autonomous region held a special counseling lecture on learning and education of party discipline, and invited Yao Kezhu, the director of the case trial office of the Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Commission, to give a special lecture around the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China. [Details]

Grasping the Key Points of Study and Achieving Actual Results
Accurately understand Article 39 of the Disciplinary Regulations
Grasping the Significance of the Revision of the Regulations from the Five fold Logic

[Geological evaluation line] Party discipline learning and education should take "every step" with "three hearts"

[Geological evaluation line] Party discipline learning and education: taking "six disciplines" as the key link, strengthen the new chapter of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

[Geological Evaluation Line] "Energize" oneself in the learning and education of party discipline

Be disciplined and responsible

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