Tools navigation improvement plan

June 10, 2024
In order to better serve the students and improve the practicability and convenience of the site, Xiao Qi is about to launch the tool navigation improvement plan. The core content of this plan includes optimizing existing functions, adding new functions and improving the user experience. In the next month, Xiao Qi will be committed to: optimizing the existing image services: improving the access speed and stability of Google and literature images, and ensuring that users can smoothly conduct academic search and data review. Expand the academic navigation function: add more academic resource entrances, and provide detailed instructions to help users obtain the required information efficiently. Enrich web surfing content: select more

Record a server downtime event

May 5, 2024
On the day of the May Day holiday, our server was suddenly down. Fortunately, the service provider communicated with Xiao Qi in a timely manner and retained most of the data. After three consecutive days of rescue, the site was able to operate again. Due to the sudden incident, some detailed data could not be backed up in time, which led to a certain degree of instability in some pages and functions of the current official website. This outage was caused by the server provider's computer room problem. Xiao Qi temporarily selected a server for data recovery and operation support. The configuration may be much worse than before, but it can barely maintain operation. (Gentlemen

Server upgrade notification

April 15, 2024
The configuration of the official website server was upgraded at 01:33 on April 15, 2024. Recently, abnormal access is normal. This update is mainly for data migration and configuration upgrade of the original server. The specific adjustment is: CPU 2-core upgrade to 8-core memory 4G upgrade to 8G bandwidth 2M upgrade to 10M. ---At 11:47 on April 15, 2024, the data has been migrated. If there are page errors and garbled codes, please contact Xiao Qi. WeChat: Hey_9245426

Maintenance and upgrading of official website

March 4, 2024
This update has a lot of content, and it is normal for the official website to be inaccessible all day long. 1. Reconstructed the ranking page, added the selection of category icons and category feature maps, added user ranking and category title settings to support background changes, and optimized the style of ranking category navigation; 2. Re optimize the search module; 3. Optimize most CSS codes for head navigation, and adjust the search and dark mode buttons added to the factor theme, resulting in misalignment of ICO icons; 4. Reconstructed the question and answer page and added the search background box for calling the slide clip code. The question and answer list was added to judge the new release and

20230805 official website update

August 5, 2023
The content of this update: 1. The user's personal center has added the collection functions of circle, question and answer, supply and demand; 2. Rewritten the question and answer UI; 3. Further optimize code and speed up; 4. Some bugs have been repaired. Please test the bugs you found before. If not, please leave a message below.

Maintenance notice

June 23, 2023
The server has been attacked frequently in the past week. I have disappeared for nearly two years, and I don't know who I offended I will take time to repair the official website recently, and change the version by the way, which is also a memorial to my original intention. I copied some modules on the Internet, and it may be that the VIP preview and the opening of the website are so bad. In this case, the private message webmaster (WeChat Get5560) will deal with the charging modules as soon as I see them. The work is special, and I don't often return to the website, but I will reply when I see them. Here, I would like to continue to reiterate that this website will always be free

New filtering function on official website

June 7, 2023
This is a problem left over from 2018, so please update it today. At present, nine university subjects have been added with screening function, from children's enlightenment to postgraduate entrance examination ranking. The current screening time limit is 2021 to now, and the course materials updated before 2021 will not be within the scope of screening, as shown in the following figure: I will further improve the other categories, and more functions are under continuous development This website does not accept any advertisement to convey love and generate electricity by love. Click here to sponsor. If you have any good suggestions, please leave a message below to add

Notification of user permission adjustment

April 20, 2023
On April 19, 2023, the official website circle was maliciously swiped more than 600 advertisements, so new registered users of the official website no longer support publishing circles and articles. If you need to post circles, please sign in accumulatively for upgrading.

20230320 Maintenance Notice

March 20, 2023
Maintenance notice: system maintenance was carried out on the official website at 9:55~10:30 this morning, and it is normal to have no access, 503 and 404. Maintenance content: update content User level: 1. In the question and answer function, fix the problem that if someone answers, the question owner cannot receive the message. 2. The problem that registered users cannot share publishing resources in the circle has been fixed. 3. Fix some known bugs// Note: Please do not urge the Party to change the 24 year postgraduate entrance examination. At present, the collection on the top of the official website is automatically updated. The courses, handouts and PDF documents are automatically updated. Don't waste time on each other. Please read it before asking for help
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