Package collection of documents related to graduation thesis defense
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Package collection of documents related to graduation thesis defense


▄ - [01] Reference for topics of different majors in graduation thesis
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - accounting 1.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis accounting 2.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - public administration.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - International Economy and Trade. docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - civil engineering.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - preschool education 1.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - preschool education 2.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - business administration, etc.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - Law.docx
│ Thesis topic selection - Logistics Management.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - economy.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - dance performance.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - English.docx
│ Topic selection of graduation thesis - administration.docx
│ Topic selection ideas for graduation these1.docx
│ Topic selection ideas for graduation these2.docx
│ Topic selection idea of graduation thesis 3.docx

▄ - [02] Thesis opening report
│ Writing method of thesis proposal 1.docx
│ Writing method of thesis proposal 2.docx
│ Writing method of thesis proposal 3.docx
│ Thesis proposal report template 1.doc
│ Thesis proposal report template 2.docx
│ Thesis proposal report template 3.doc
│ Thesis proposal report template 4.doc
│ Data search method of graduation thesis proposal report.ppt

☆ - [03] Graduation thesis data search and thesis common problems
│ How to prepare for graduation thesis writing.docx
│ Graduation Thesis Writing Time.docx
│ Graduation thesis reference format.docx
│ Graduation Thesis Abstract.docx
│ Blind review of graduation these.docx
│ Graduation thesis thanks Fan Wen.docx
│ Full understanding of the evaluation of thesis achive.docx
│ Thesis data lookup1.docx
│ Thesis data lookup2.doc

▄ - [04] Graduation thesis writing tips and minefields
│ Graduation thesis writing skills 1.docx
│ Graduation thesis writing skills 2.docx
│ Graduation thesis writing skills 3.docx
│ Minefields in thesis writing 1.docx
│ Minefields in thesis writing 2.docx
│ Minefield in paper writing 3.docx

▄ - [05] Format of graduation thesis
│ Graduation thesis typesetting - English version. docx
│ Thesis typesetting 1.docx
│ Thesis typesetting 2.docx
│ Graduation thesis typesetting 3.docx
│ Thesis typesetting 4.docx
│ Thesis typesetting 5.doc
│ Thesis typesetting 6.pdf

☆ - [06] Thesis defense
│ PPT production of graduation defense 1.doc
│ PPT production of graduation defense 2.docx
│ Graduation thesis defense process 1.docx
│ Graduation thesis defense process 2.docx
│ Notes on thesis defense 1.docx
│ Notes on thesis defense 2.docx

▄ - [07] Weight inspection and weight reduction
│ Graduation thesis modification method1.docx
│ Graduation thesis revision method2.doc
│ Methods to reduce duplicate checking rate of graduation theses 1.docx
│ Methods to reduce duplicate checking rate of graduation theses 2.docx
│ Methods to reduce duplicate checking rate of graduation theses 4.ppt

▄ - [08] Defense
│ Defense of those things 1.ppt
│ Defense of things 2.pptx
│ Defense of those things 3.pptx
│ Defense of those things 4.pptx

Γ - [09] 100 sets of defense PPT
│Γ - 20 sets of university general PPT
││Γ - 20 sets of general PPT
│ │ │ 01.pptx
│ │ │ 03.pptx
│ │ │ 04.pptx
│ │ │ 05.pptx
│ │ │ 06.pptx
│││ 07 Technology. pptx
│ │ │ 08.pptx
│ │ │ 09.pptx
│ │ │ 10.pptx
│ │ │ 11.pptx
│ │ │ 12.pptx
│ │ │ 13.pptx
│ │ │ 14.pptx
│ │ │ 16.pptx
│ │ │ 17.pptx
│ │ │ 18.pptx
│ │ │ 19☆.pptx
│││ 20 parties.pptx
│ │ │
││ L - screenshot of general PPT
│ │ 01.jpg
│ │ 02.jpg
│ │ 03.jpg
│ │ 04.jpg
│ │ 05.jpg
│ │ 06.jpg
││ 07 Science.jpg
│ │ 08.jpg
│ │ 09.jpg
│ │ 10.jpg
│ │ 11.jpg
│ │ 12.jpg
│ │ 13.jpg
│ │ 14.jpg
│ │ 15.jpg
│ │ 16.jpg
│ │ 17.jpg
│ │ 18.jpg
│ │ 19☆.jpg
││ 20 party.jpg
│ │
│ L - 100 sets of PPT templates are commonly used
│Γ - 36 sets of dynamic PPT
││ │ Dynamic PPT-36 sets
││││ Academic defense - 01.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 02.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 03.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 04.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 05.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 06.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 09.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 10.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 11.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 13.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 14.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 15.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 16.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 17.pptx
││││ Academic defense - 18.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 19.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 20.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 21.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 22.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 24.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 25.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 26.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 27.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 28.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 29.pptx
││││ Academic defense - 30.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 31.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 32.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 33.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 34.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 35.pptx
│││ Academic defense - 36.pptx
│ │ │
││ L - screenshot of dynamic PPT
││ Academic defense - 01.jpg
││ Academic defense - 02.jpg
││ Academic defense - 03.jpg
││ Academic defense - 04.jpg
││ Academic defense - 05.jpg
││ Academic defense - 06.jpg
││ Academic defense - 07.jpg
││ Academic defense - 08.jpg
││ Academic defense - 09.jpg
││ Academic defense - 10.jpg
││ Academic defense - 11.jpg
││ Academic defense - 12.jpg
││ Academic defense - 13.jpg
││ Academic defense - 14.jpg
││ Academic defense - 15.jpg
││ Academic defense - 16.jpg
││ Academic defense - 17.jpg
││ Academic defense - 18.jpg
││ Academic defense - 19.jpg
││ Academic defense - 20.jpg
││ Academic defense - 21.jpg
││ Academic defense - 22.jpg
││ Academic defense - 23.jpg
││ Academic defense - 24.jpg
││ Academic defense - 25.jpg
││ Academic defense - 26.jpg
││ Academic defense - 27.jpg
││ Academic defense - 28.jpg
││ Academic defense - 29.jpg
││ Academic defense - 30.jpg
││ Academic defense - 31.jpg
││ Academic defense - 32.jpg
││ Academic defense - 33.jpg
││ Academic defense - 34.jpg
││ Academic defense - 35.jpg
││ Academic defense - 36.jpg
│ │
│Γ - 20 sets of defense PPT
││ │ - 20 sets of defense PPT
│││ Thesis defense template (01). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (02). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (03). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (04). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (05). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (06). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (07). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (08). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (09). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (10). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (11). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (12). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (13). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (16). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (17). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (18). pptx
│││ Thesis defense template (19). pptx
│ │ │
││ L - screenshot of defense PPT
││ Thesis defense template (01). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (02). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (03). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (04). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (05). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (06). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (07). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (08). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (09). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (10) (1). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (10). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (11). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (12). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (13). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (14). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (15). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (16). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (17). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (18). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (19). jpg
││ Thesis defense template (20). jpg
│ │
│Γ - Selected dynamic PPT-15 sets
││Γ - 15 sets of selected dynamic PPT
│││ Graduation defense 01.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 02.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 03.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 04.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 05.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 06.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 07.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 08.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 09.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 10.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 12.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 13.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 14.pptx
│││ Graduation defense 15.pptx
│ │ │
││ L - Screenshots of selected dynamic PPT
││ Graduation defense 01.jpg
││ Graduation defense 02.jpg
││ Graduation defense 03.jpg
││ Graduation defense 04.jpg
││ Graduation defense 05.jpg
││ Graduation defense 06.jpg
││ Graduation defense 07.jpg
││ Graduation defense 08.jpg
││ Graduation defense 09.jpg
││ Graduation defense 10.jpg
││ Graduation defense 11.jpg
││ Graduation defense 12.jpg
││ Graduation defense 13.jpg
││ Graduation defense 14.jpg
││ Graduation defense 15.jpg
│ │
│ L - 29 sets of static PPT
│Γ - 29 sets of static PPT-s
││ Academic defense (01). pptx
││ Academic defense Jing (02). pptx
││ Academic defense Jing (03). pptx
││ Academic defense (04). pptx
││ Academic defense (05). pptx
││ Academic defense (06). pptx
││ Academic defense (07). pptx
││ Academic defense (09). pptx
││ Academic defense (10). pptx
││ Academic defense (11). pptx
││ Academic defense (12). pptx
││ Academic defense (13). pptx
││ Academic defense (14). pptx
││ Academic defense (15). pptx
││ Academic defense (16). pptx
││ Academic defense (17). pptx
││ Academic defense (19). pptx
││ Academic defense (20). pptx
││ Academic defense (21). pptx
││ Academic defense (22). pptx
││ Academic defense (23). pptx
││ Academic defense (24). pptx
││ Academic defense (25). pptx
││ Academic defense (26). pptx
││ Academic defense (27). pptx
││ Academic defense (28). pptx
││ Academic defense (29). pptx
│ │
│ L - screenshot of static PPT
│ Academic defense (01). jpg
│ Academic defense (02). jpg
│ Academic defense (03). jpg
│ Academic defense (04). jpg
│ Academic defense (05). jpg
│ Academic defense (06). jpg
│ Academic defense (07). jpg
│ Academic defense (08). jpg
│ Academic defense (09). jpg
│ Academic defense (10). jpg
│ Academic defense (11). jpg
│ Academic defense (12). jpg
│ Academic defense (13). jpg
│ Academic defense (14). jpg
│ Academic defense (15). jpg
│ Academic defense (16). jpg
│ Academic defense (17). jpg
│ Academic defense (18). jpg
│ Academic defense (19). jpg
│ Academic defense (20). jpg
│ Academic defense (21). jpg
│ Academic defense (22). jpg
│ Academic defense (23). jpg
│ Academic defense (24). jpg
│ Academic defense (25). jpg
│ Academic defense (26). jpg
│ Academic defense (27). jpg
│ Academic defense (28). jpg
│ Academic defense (29). jpg

▄ - [10] Defense strategy
│ How to do the thesis PPT.pptx
│ Graduation defense skill.pptx
│ Graduation defense expression.pptx
│ Graduation defense explanation. pptx

L - [11] [Dry Goods] Graduation Thesis Materials
☆ - Reference for topics of graduation thesis in different majors
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - Accounting 1 (1). docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - Accounting 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic - public management (1). docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic - International Economy and Trade. docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic - Civil Engineering.docx
│ [Gan Huo Xing Ren] Thesis topic selection - preschool education 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - preschool education 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - business administration, etc. (1). docx
│ [Dry Goods Star] Thesis topic - Law.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic - Logistics Management.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - economy.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - dance performance.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic - english.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection - administration.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis topic selection ideas 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] Graduation thesis topic selection ideas 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Graduation thesis topic selection idea 3.docx

▄ - Graduation thesis writing tips and minefields
│ [Dry Goods Star] Graduation thesis writing skills 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] Graduation thesis writing skills 2.docx
│ [Dry Goods Star] Graduation thesis writing skills 3.docx
│ [Dry Star] minefield in paper writing 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] minefield in paper writing 2.docx
│ [Dry Goods Star] minefield in paper writing 3.docx

☆ - Graduation thesis writing logic
│ [Dry Goods Star People] Six Thinking Hats Teach You How to Write a Graduation Thesis.pdf
│ How to write a qualified treatment.pdf

▄ - Thesis opening report
│ [Dry Star] Thesis proposal writing method 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report writing 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report writing 3.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report template 1.doc
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report template 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report template 3.doc
│ [Dry Star] Thesis opening report template 4.doc
│ [Dry Star] Graduation thesis opening report data search method.ppt

☆ - Format and layout of graduation thesis
│ How to adjust the paper format.pdf
│ [Gan Huo Xing Ren] Graduation thesis typesetting - English version. docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 1.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 2.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 3.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 4.docx
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 5.doc
│ [Dry Star] Thesis typesetting 6.pdf
│ [Dry Goods Star] Graduation Thesis Typesetting Skill. pdf
│ Format requirements and font size.pdf

L - Graduation thesis defense experience package
[Dry Star] PPT production of graduation defense 1.doc
[Dry Star] PPT production for graduation defense 2.docx
[Dry Goods Star] Graduation Thesis Defense Process 1.docx
[Dry Star] Graduation Thesis Defense Process 2.docx
[Dry Goods Star] Notes on Thesis Defense 1.docx
[Dry Goods Star] Notes on Thesis Defense 2.docx

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