On the spot report of the activities of the party organizations and the two new party organizations in Xiangtan Hi tech Zone

2024-06-14 07:29 Source: Xiangtan Online Author: Ding Yujie, Zhao Ruling Edited by: Luo Bin

New Xiangtan Client

A new chapter of the accumulation and energy spectrum of the cohesive force of the joint construction of government and enterprises

——On the spot report of the activities of the party organizations and the two new party organizations in Xiangtan Hi tech Zone

All media reporter Ding Yujie Correspondent Zhao Ruling

In order to further stimulate the vitality of the party building of the two new party organizations, Xiangtan High tech Zone launched the activities of pairing and co building between the party organizations of the organs and the two new party organizations. Focusing on the joint construction and co building of the branches, it promoted the joint construction, joint activities and resource sharing of the organizations of the organs and the two new fields, created a good atmosphere for the organs to lead the two new areas and the party building to promote the development, and strove to consolidate the foundation of grass-roots party building, Promote the high-quality development of the park economy with high-quality party building.

Pair up to build a new chapter

On May 16, the Xiangtan High tech Zone held the launching ceremony for the pairing and co construction of government party organizations and two new party organizations. Nine government party organizations, including the discipline inspection and supervision party branch, were paired with 12 enterprise party organizations, including Jiajiamei Party branch, Lihe Party branch, Heavy Pharmaceutical Holdings Hunan Minsheng Pharmaceutical Party branch, Chongde Science and Technology Party branch, Jianche Auto Service Party branch, Wanda Business District Party branch. At the ceremony, Xiangtan High tech Zone awarded the plaque of "Party building and co construction unit" to the Party branch of the twinning and co construction, and the secretary representative of the party organization of the district organ and the two new party organizations made a statement, "We will promote the party building and enterprise operation, and the development of the park to work together and promote mutual progress through twinning and co construction activities."

The holding of this ceremony marks a substantive step forward in the close cooperation between government, enterprise and party organizations in the work of party building. We will effectively play a "chess game" for development, solve the "key points" for development, achieve "development prosperity" with "strong party building", and promote "strong party building" with "development prosperity".

Discussion and communication to promote communication

In order to ensure the smooth development of paired construction activities, the Party branch of the organ of Xiangtan High tech Zone took the initiative to come to the paired construction enterprises and strengthen communication through forum exchanges, common learning and other ways.

In the activity room of the party members of the party branch of the People's Livelihood Branch of Heavy Drugs, the party branch of the Office of Xiangtan High tech Zone and the party branch of the People's Livelihood Branch of Heavy Drugs held a discussion and exchange on the activities of pair building, hoping to help enterprises to build a first-class pharmaceutical logistics service provider in the province through strong cooperation among the branches. Zeng Chunhui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager of the People's Livelihood Branch of Chongqing Heavy Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., talked about his experience in cultivating craftsmanship, adhering to innovative development and inheriting corporate culture, and taught a vivid "micro party lesson" to the party members present in combination with his own work experience.

In the conference room of Yongfei Party Branch, party members from the office branch of Xiangtan Hi tech Zone Entrepreneurship Center learned the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China together with party members from Yongfei, Deloitte, Chihiro, Hengchuang and other branches, and exchanged ideas on how to carry out paired construction activities. Next, the two branches will carry out in-depth interconnection and co construction in terms of learning, strong communication, service and practical work, so as to realize the work interaction, resource sharing and complementary advantages between the entrepreneurial center's organ branch and the Yongfei Party branch, and effectively solve problems, empower and increase efficiency for enterprise development.

Synergy of collaborative practice

Relying on the party day activity with the theme of "one lesson in one month, one practice in one area", all branches of the organs of Xiangtan High tech Zone actively connect with the two new party organizations, and carry out various practical activities in combination with the actual work.

The party branch of discipline inspection and supervision in Xiangtan Hi tech Zone and the party branch of Jiajiamei jointly carried out the activity of "Civilized Walking and Lectures on Drug Control Knowledge", which not only allowed each party member to exercise his physical fitness, but also allowed party members of government agencies and enterprises to unite, help each other and advance hand in hand in walking, drawing a vivid picture of "sports exchanges, government and enterprises working together".

The party branch of the Office of Xiangtan High tech Zone, together with the party branch of Heavy Medicine and People's Livelihood, and the party branch of the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, together with the general party branch of Xiangtan Yifeng, respectively carried out the party day activities themed "Celebrating the June 1st holiday and warming the childlike innocence" in Guoqiang Community and Yifeng Group, elaborately prepared a wealth of snacks and exquisite holiday gifts for children, so that children could spend a different "June 1st" Children's Day.

Give play to advantages and improve quality and efficiency

The Party Branch of the Comprehensive Coordination Service Center of Xiangtan High tech Zone, based on its own duty of serving enterprises, carried out joint construction activities with the Schindler Party Committee and the General Party Branch of Oriental Golden Valley around the "three alliances and three constructions".

The team is jointly trained to promote the branch construction to become "strong". In accordance with the principle of "each doing his or her best and each showing his or her strengths", give full play to the advantages of the party organizations on both sides of the partnership, regularly exchange and share information, learn to lead and train teams, and constantly expand and strengthen the functions of the party organizations on both sides.

Joint activities to promote the role of "real" up. Establish a mechanism of precise docking, regular meetings and joint activities, focus on "cohesion for development and empowerment of enterprises", give full play to the role of the "red engine" in the joint development of the organs and the "two new" party organizations, and better translate political advantages into practical actions to serve production and operation, park development, and enterprise employees.

Appeal for joint settlement and promote service initiatives to "warm up". Focusing on the ability of the organs, we will promote the party organizations in the organs to "stand at the front" and "play the leading role" in the service development. Based on their responsibilities and functions, we will widely publicize, interpret policies, and solve problems for enterprises. We will always keep the demands and demands of enterprises and employees in mind and put them into action.

Chen Rong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Xiangtan High tech Zone, said that, in the next step, the various branches of the district authorities and the two new party organizations will further improve the mechanism of active twinning and regular communication, do a solid job in communication and connection, project services and other work, make regular scheduling, study and solve major problems, continue to deepen the activities, and form a strong joint force in twinning and joint construction.

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