
2024-06-12 16:36 Source: Xiangtan Online Edited by: Luo Dan

New Xiangtan Client


Mulberry trees after rain.

Wen/Li Hong

One day, Mr. Wang adopted dozens of silkworms distributed by the science teacher. The mulberry leaves of the school mulberry tree were stripped away by other teachers and students, so they asked me urgently: where can I get mulberry leaves to feed the hungry silkworms. I searched quickly in my mind. Apart from Yangmeizhou and Gusangzhou, I can't think of any mulberry leaves to pick in this huge city. Teacher Wang said that Huxiang Park has wow! Hey, really. I immediately remembered that there were several mulberry leaves in Huxiang Park, where I usually ran. I had seen them, and I thought they should be mulberry leaves, but I didn't collect them to feed silkworms. That afternoon, it was drizzling, and I walked into Huxiang Park with an umbrella under my arm. As soon as I entered the garden, I saw a tree. Its leaves are very similar to mulberry leaves, but I think the leaves are too old, unlike the new sprouts this spring. Mulberry is a deciduous tree! Finally, I verified my judgment in my mobile phone: this is a simple tree, and the shape of its leaves is similar to that of mulberry leaves. I remember that when I came in from the south gate of the park, there were several mulberry trees in the lawn with the crane sculpture. So I walked there. The "crane" is still so skinny. The trees nearby have been standing there for many years, but why are the leaves so thick and old? I quickly took out my mobile phone and looked at the leaves like a demon mirror, but it was hibiscus. In the desolation, I found several places where I thought there were mulberry trees, even sneaked into the original forest, but I still didn't find them. Can't such a big park accommodate an ordinary mulberry tree? According to the old man who practices in the morning here, every family in Yunfeng Village where the park is located used to have mulberry trees in front of and behind the houses. Sang, carrying five thousand years of Chinese cultural memory. The ancestors of China established their country by farming and mulberry, planting mulberry and sericulture also bred the world famous ancient Silk Road. Chinese farmers like to plant mulberry trees and catalpa trees beside their old houses. No matter how far they go, they have more feelings in their hearts. In ancient times, many ceremonies were also held in mulberry forests. Today, the city is full of precious flowers and trees, but ordinary mulberry trees are rare. The park in mid spring is filled with the fragrance of flowers, plants and trees. Unconsciously, I climbed the highest hill in the park. In the middle of a green plantation, there are several plants that look like shrubs but more like vines, scattered in inconspicuous corners, which are so out of place with the surrounding rare trees. In order to get more sunshine, countless gray branches are stretching to the sky. The leaves on the tree were also stripped away by the teachers and students. Several green mulberries hanging on the branches told me that this is the mulberry tree. Originally, there are mulberry trees in Huxiang Park! But this mulberry tree is no longer the mulberry tree in front of and behind the people's hall in the past. The love of mulberry and catalpa has faded down here, and the economic value of agricultural mulberry no longer exists, but it tells people that this land once had a peasant life of "talking about mulberry hemp with wine" and "crowing of chickens and mulberry trees".

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