Furongguo Comments: Realizing the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation through Hard Work

2024-06-06 09:29 Source: Xiangtan Online Author: Song Dingyi Editor: Yu Yan

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Wen/Song Dingyi

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the people's happy life is a work out. We must work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make people's lives better and better.

"Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause." On Yuan Longping's road of hybrid rice breeding, the turbulence of the times, the fallacies of the discipline, and the doubts of others are like thorns, threatening his new career. But he never wavered in his belief and never stopped his struggle. Yuan Longping worked hard every minute to produce the golden rice in the soil of correct theory.

Tu Youyou, the first Chinese native scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Science and the first Chinese scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, became attached to Artemisia annua throughout his life and devoted all his efforts to medicine. "Is everything difficult or easy? If you do it, it will be easy; if you don't, it will be difficult." In the era of weak scientific research foundation, when the efficacy of Artemisia annua is unstable and the success of the experiment is doubted, she tested the medicine by herself, fought against public opinion, explored a new field of combination of Chinese and western medicine in the difficult and dangerous, found a herb for the benefit of the world, and saved countless lives, He has made outstanding contributions to human medicine, and also takes himself as an example to show the world how to persevere in practical work and breakthroughs with faith and courage.

The development of "two bombs and one satellite" is not only a national dream chasing feat, but also a legend of life struggle. Behind the remarkable success is the unremitting struggle of tens of millions of scientific researchers throughout the spring and autumn.

Hard work and struggle are the glorious tradition of the Chinese nation and a key link in achieving the cause. In ancient times, there was a story of "Yugong moving mountains". In the practice of socialist revolution, construction and reform, the industrious and brave Chinese people have created many miracles of hard work and struggle. The Red Flag Canal, the "eighth wonder of world water conservancy", and the Saihan Dam, the "green wonder"... all these changes depend on the people's hard work and struggle.

From now on to the middle of this century, it is the central task of the whole party and the whole people to build a modern socialist power in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. The baton of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation has historically fallen on our generation. We must remember what General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The basic realization of modernization depends on hard work, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depends on hard work."

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