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A man of practice like her, Buddha, Bodhisattva, has already made a thorough arrangement

Source: Taoist priest Time: 2024-05-22 Author: Taoist priest Views:

This is a real thing. The protagonist's surname is Chen. Because I didn't get her consent in advance, I'm not going to make her name public.

This happened two or three years ago, when I was a physician in our hospital, one night it was my turn to be on duty. There was a woman in her fifties who was hospitalized with duodenal bleeding. At that time, according to the treatment practice, she inserted a nasogastric tube to fill with ice water to stop bleeding, and observed whether she continued bleeding.

Anyone who has ever inserted a nasogastric tube knows that it is not easy to insert a plastic tube into the stomach from the nostril. But when I inserted a tube for her, I found that this lady was very calm. She not only did not pull the doctor's hand like ordinary people, but also wanted to vomit. She didn't even frown, which really made me admire her.

Then I checked her body, and found that her right liver was swollen and hard, so I prepared for her to have a further examination the next day. At that time, I found that her hand had the ring scar burned by a Buddhist when he was receiving the precepts, and I realized that she was a Buddhist with great practice.

That night, because there was no ward, she temporarily slept in the corridor with a cart. Ruan General Hospital had many patients, and the ward was often full and not enough, so there were often patients sleeping in the corridor. If the patients were not afraid of people walking around and making too much noise in the corridor, they were afraid of no barrier, or it was inconvenient to go to the toilet. In short, if someone lived in the corridor, I would have endless complaints.

But this lady was out of my expectation. Because of many things that night, she did not deal with the patients here, that is, the patients in the emergency department. She was busy until five o'clock in the morning, almost at the same time. When she walked along the corridor beside her cart, she clapped her hands and said to me: 'Doctor Guo, the air here is very good, and I have already done my morning lessons since four o'clock in the morning.'

This is what a person living in the corridor said, "You have a good air here" and "I have already finished my morning classes since four o'clock in the morning". It really moved me to tears.

If ordinary people were like her, I don't know how upset they would be! Unlike her, she gets up quietly in the early morning to do her homework. It's really not easy!

But the big and complicated thing is still to come. The results of the ultrasound examination the next day really showed that there was a tumor in the liver. The result of the biopsy was liver cancer. Because she had no pain, she did not find it.

I thought her cultivation skills were excellent, so I was ready to tell her her illness honestly when I thought about it. At that time, I was also worried about what to do if she could not take it easy and could not stand it?

Because life and death is not always that simple, but I think it is better for a true Buddhist to tell the truth and prepare him, so I will be honest with her.

Unexpectedly, she seemed to have prepared her lines to answer me early: 'If I live one more day, I will do more for all living beings. If that day comes, I should "go back". I will wait for that day all my life, and fo will come to pick me up.'

At that time, I was so moved that I could not speak. I was very ashamed. I repeatedly reflected on whether I had such a great and unrestrained mind as hers?

In my mind, although she has no money, no power, no reputation, and no status, she just quietly contributes to herself, but her status in my mind is so high, I respect her as I respect a bodhisattva.


At that time, the professor performed a small operation for her to plug the tumor blood vessels in the liver, but because her blood vessels were too curved, the operation failed, and she left the hospital and went home.

In the first few months, I often contacted her, knowing that she would participate in Buddha worship and charity services as usual.

After a period of time, for one thing, I was busy with my work, and for another, whenever I wanted to call her to ask for peace, I always had a feeling that I could not tell. Although I knew that if she was not in the world, she must be beside the Buddha. I would learn more Buddhism from the lotus flower to benefit all living beings.

But because I feel that our polluted world is in need of such a person, I really cannot bear her to leave in my heart.

As the months went by, her liver cancer was as serious as hers, and her life was not long, which was more than many months according to the medical statistics.

Once when I went to the temple she used to visit, I asked the master about her. To be honest, my heart was beating fast at that time, and I didn't expect the answer was——

She is in good health, and still often helps people learn Buddhism and serve people in need of warmth. After listening to her, I looked up at the Buddha statue in the hall. Suddenly, I seemed to understand the spirit of Buddha and Bodhisattva to sacrifice themselves for others. Buddha's eyes seemed to be smiling slightly, but also seemed to be full of tears.


At that time, my heart was full of emotion. When I think about it, I often see many patients who worry about their daily troubles and worry that they will not live long. But in my opinion, they do not live long, but how long they live without a good life. They never open their heart to care for others and make good contributions to themselves in their lifetime.

It is useless to live a hundred or two hundred years of life like this when you are stuck in the horns of an ox and look sad every day!

This is to worry about one day, or even worry about a hundred days; One day of life is a painful day. I even want to make myself miserable by what happened more than a hundred days ago. The longer I live, the more painful I become. It's like eating a bowl of food that is disgusting, inedible, and big. I feel that such people are not sick to death, but worried to death!

From time to time, I can also see a great person like Ms. Chen. She doesn't worry about herself, but only wants to contribute herself and serve all living beings. As a result, she really doesn't need to worry about herself. Such a person, Buddha and Bodhisattva, has already arranged for her carefully. Even when she is ill in hospital, such a person can give people great inspiration and encouragement, and even when her life ends, her great spirit, Always live in my mind, be my teacher, be my model.

No matter when and where, I will spread her story, so that millions of people in suffering know that we do not have to complain for ourselves with a sad face. As long as we raise our spirits and give play to the glory of our life, we will not live in vain.

We can all learn from this lady Chen who is full of confidence. As long as we live one day, we will do more for all living beings. One day I should 'go back'.

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