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If you practice, Bodhisattva will take good care of your family! If you are always worried, do more good deeds

Source: Tianyue Mingfang Time: 2024-05-22 Author: Tianyue Mingfang Views:

If you practice, your family will get better and better. If you are always worried, do more good.

Some people are always worried about their families.

In fact, don't worry. Family members have their own blessings and karma. It's no use worrying about them. No matter how much you think about your family, you can't count as his karma. People have their own karma. Instead of worrying, we should do good deeds and use merit to benefit them.

Really practice, don't worry about that.

With your merits and virtues of practice, they will be blessed to be safe. Bodhisattva will help you take care of your family. Don't worry that Sambo will treat you badly. I think I will give Sambo to my family.

If you really want to benefit them, do good.

Every human welfare newspaper is different, even in a family. The elder brother can make money, but the younger brother is worse. The blessing is different, but only by virtue of your good deeds can you benefit the family.

Without the Three Treasures, you and your family can't extricate themselves

Cultivating is to improve the height of life. This height is awareness. Don't think about it. I have been worshiping Buddha for a long time and doing good deeds for a long time, but I haven't made a fortune. This is the mentality of doing business. It's not good.

Huang Ber, the former founder of Buddhism, had successfully become a monk, and then cured his mother. A place with practitioners is a blessing for this place.

Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui can benefit the whole Anhui Buddhism, even China's Buddhism, and the Tibetan belief is popular throughout the country because of the Buddhist Master Jin Qiaojue's practice and the almsgiving from the elder Min Gong.

The stronger the energy of a man of practice, the greater the scope of his benefits. As soon as the Buddha was born, the world in all directions was shocked. The Brahma King, the Heavenly Emperor Shitian, invited the Buddha to live in the world. This is an incredible place.

Sanbao is the most tranquil Fukuda in the world. All religions encourage kindness, but Buddhism can remind people of liberation.

When I went to Jiuhua Mountain, I was very grateful for the kindness of Tibetan Bodhisattva D. Jiuhua Mountain is very grand. There are more than one hundred big and small huts and temples. But now there are many shops and amusement parks in cities and towns. These are all things that arouse people's desire for greed, hatred and delusion.

If there are no three treasures in the world, it is very poor. The universe is darkened by the long night. People who do not expect to be liberated will think of greed and strong attachment to material things.

Meeting the Three Treasures is a great blessing.

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