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He has done more than 10000 good deeds in 40 years, and his son won the first prize!

Source: Tianyue Mingfang Time: 2024-05-22 Author: Tianyue Mingfang Views:
Yang Xun, an official of the Song Dynasty, and his son Yang Chun, who was 24 years old, won the first prize in high school. Yang Xun's boss suggested that he resign early so as to enjoy the happiness of life.

However, Yang Xun knew well that "cultivation is good in public", so he didn't want to resign. Instead, he said mysteriously to his boss, "I have been an official for more than 40 years, and I have saved three pockets, so I can open them."

The boss opened it and found that there were 39 large coins in the first pocket, more than 4000 medium coins in the second pocket, and more than 10000 small coins in the third pocket.

Yang Xun then said: "Every time when a prisoner is sentenced, if he is sentenced too severely, I will urge my boss to change his death sentence to exile, and save a large sum of money each time he succeeds. If he is sentenced to exile, I will ask him to change to stick punishment, and save a medium sum of money each time he succeeds. I will ask for leniency in releasing him so that he can save a small sum of money.

Every time I do a good deed, I save a money. Today, my son's top students in high school actually accumulated little by little. How dare I give up my official position and seek a comfortable life? "

The reason why Yang Xun doesn't want to resign is that he doesn't want to give up every opportunity to do good deeds! He has been saving money for forty years, or did he save a fortune? This is really: good practice in the public door, far away from children and grandchildren!

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