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The most powerful language in the world must be spoken often!

Source: Goodwill and Friendship Studies Time: 2022-03-15 Author: Goodwill and Friendship Studies Views:

1. Can control the other party's angry language: I'm sorry!

2. Language for building a modest personality tower: thank you!

3. Words that make the other party shrug: do well!

4. Words that call for reconciliation and peace: I was wrong!

5. Language that can improve the sense of existence: You are the best!

6. Words that make each other happy: How handsome today!

7. Language leading to better results: What's your idea?

8. Words of comfort: Can I help you?

9. The language that makes the other party's self-confidence explode: How did you come up with it?

10. Language that brings enthusiasm: Age is just a number!

11. Language that can lead 200% of the ability: trust you!

12. Words that gradually embolden people: You can do that!

13. More useful than amulets: Pray for you!

14. Words more effective than advice: It won't be easy every time.

15. Words that do not need money but can arouse good feelings: It's nice to be with you!

16. The language of winning children's future: I'm so proud of you!

17. Words to summon courage for a new start: It doesn't matter. Everything will be fine!

18. Give your dear people the following words: You are my only one!

19. Language that makes the other person feel different: Sure enough, you are different.

20. Words that can ease the other party's tired mood: It's hard these days.

I suggest you do this. Find a small notebook and write down some beautiful words. You can also write these words on a small card (such as a business card) and put it in your wallet. You can read it ten times every morning. In the next day, whenever you encounter opportunities, you can use these words in conversation.

When you keep repeating these words, you will soon pour these ideas into your subconscious mind, change your thinking, words and deeds, and make you become such a person.

You can refer to the following words:

Good happiness is full of joy;

True happiness is full of joy;

Very happy and pleasant;

It's fun and pleasant;

Laugh at the arrival of good luck.

I also wrote some words on my desk to encourage myself and others on the one hand. The content is:

The most important word: good.

The two most important words: very good.

The three most important words: very good.

The most important four words: that's very good.

The five most important words: It's really great.

There is a saying: good words are warm in winter, bad words are frosty in September.

Words seem simple, but their influence is profound. Each of us is a magician. We can use words to cast spells on others, or we can use spells to help others.

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