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There are several extremely shocking, weird and strange car accidents, which are actually made by ghosts and gods. What are the signs in advance?

Source: The Fate of Flowers Falling from the Sky Time: 2021-06-05 Author: Extremely shocking Views:

News about car accidents It is always shocking to see that some strange accident scenes are not so shocking that people associate with "death is coming"!

Signs before the accident:

1. The goldfish and poultry at home will suddenly die. Dogs will bark for no reason, children will cry incessantly, bowls and cups will be broken carelessly, and lights will be broken.

If something strange like this happens, pay attention! Dogs and children usually have open eyes. When a dog sees something ominous coming to the house, it will bark more than once and notify its owner. When children see a ghost coming to their home, they will cry all the time. Similarly, children will also have a more sensitive perception of the signs before a car accident than adults. When the plants, goldfish, poultry and other small animals and plants in the family meet the evil spirit of ghosts, they will die in advance. The owner can also be prepared in advance and make quick repairs, so as not to help the evil consequences. There is also the ancestor, the Dharmapala God, who sees that the master is in trouble, and the lucky people will also receive hints in their dreams.

2. The front of the car accident is dark, and the Yintang is dark. It is soul lost, and the luck goes straight down

My uncle died in a car accident. When I was young, I remember the last time I saw him. His face was very dark and his cheeks were thin. At that time, I didn't know how to read the Yintang and the bridge of the nose. Now when I look back, his luck has declined.

At the last gathering of brothers and sisters, only my uncle was silent. My mother saw him and said that he was too bad. At that time, several brothers thought that his business was not going well. One year later, the driver of the truck caused an accident after drinking, and my uncle was the first to bear the brunt... Later, I thought sadly that he bought shrimp sticks for me last time I met, and I was naughty and robbed him of TV.

People have three souls and seven souls. Someone told me that before an accident, one soul and two souls had gradually gone away, so the state of an accident is called "lost soul".

For those who have not lost their soul, according to the common saying, black and white impermanence will not lock your soul in advance if your name is not ticked in the Book of Hell, so these people still have intuition.

Without sound three souls and seven souls, there would be no sharp intuition.

If you have sharp intuitive judgment and escape from the disaster, it means that you should not die.

3. Strong intuition suggests that human self-protection mechanism

A friend of mine is very sensitive to the magnetic field. One time, he drove a bus. It was the evening, and there was only the last bus. He longed to go home early, but when he got on the bus, the yellow dogs at the station sniffed around the bus and shouted at the people who got on. The pregnant woman on the bus seemed not to hear the voice, her eyes were dull, the baby in her arms sobbed, and the driver in front lit a cigarette, bored.

My friend didn't go to take that bus. He stayed in a hotel near the station overnight. After the accident, the local news reported that X died and X was injured in a road accident. Seeing the news, he broke into a cold sweat.

Later, I asked him why he didn't take a ride. He said that it was really intuitive. That kind of dusk was too weird.

Many people will have a restless mood before the accident. If you feel your mood is inexplicably upset, this sixth sense tells you that there is a strong possibility of violence ahead, which is a self-protection mechanism.

4. Dharmapala, ancestral tips and on-site protection

Some people's intuition comes from the tips of the Dharmapala or ancestors. If the Dharmapala doesn't have time to give you tips, a more powerful protection mechanism is on-site protection.

There was a friend named Huo Xiao, and something magical happened to him.

Huo Xiao once quarreled with his mother and ran away from home. He was angry and rushed across the road. As a result, he was hit by a car passing from south to north. There was no traffic jam from south to north. The car went smoothly. With the shrill sound of brakes, the Shangshu fell down

But it is unbelievable that Huo Xiao immediately got up after falling to the ground and checked his wounds. He only scratched his arm, but no blood was shed. Over the past 20 years, many things have happened, and Huo Xiao has forgotten many things. Only this matter, Huo Xiao still clearly remembers that when the car accident happened, there was a force holding him up... Later, he said he would thank his mother. His mother was a Buddhist. After he ran away from home, he was always restless and his right eye kept jumping. They had a Buddhist temple where Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors were provided. Huo Xiao's mother had been kowtowing and doing homework, hoping to bless his son.

After this, Huo Xiao gradually became a Buddhist. They believed that there was the power of the Dharma Protector in the world.

Cause of the accident:

1. Ghost manufacturing

Generally, the accident spots are accident prone areas. The ghost who died in a car accident is looking for a double. Sometimes, there are more than one ghost at one accident point, but a group. Ghosts belong to yin, and the cold is heavy. When people and ghosts get close to each other, their hair will straighten and goose bumps will appear. As a driver, those who go out suddenly feel a chill and goose bumps on the road, which means that there are unclean things around you. Be careful when driving. You should immediately recite the Great Compassion Mantra or the Shurangama Mantra. If you can't recite them, you should recite the Ten Small Mantra. If you can't even recite the Ten Small Mantra, then Nanwu Amitabha and Nanwu Avalokitesvara will certainly recite them.

Many drivers who have been involved in traffic accidents feel that they suddenly feel a chill and goose bumps on the road. Their heads, hands and feet do not listen to each other. Suddenly, something goes wrong.

I heard a story about a couple who had contracted for a project before their death. Because they used poor facilities in violation of regulations, they also made workers often stay up late. Once the facilities were inspected, and workers from A and B were asked to drive hard for three days and three nights when they went out to purchase goods. A deadly phone call made workers drive to a certain area, causing fatigue and death.

After the death of the two workers, they did not go to reincarnation. They stayed in the accident area and waited for the husband and wife to pass by and ask for their lives. On the day of the accident, one of them was in a trance. Suddenly, the brake failed and they were killed in the accident. This is a typical case of an enemy asking for his life!

2. Individual karma, or joint industry

In fact, when ghosts and gods were created, there was also karma. When dozens of people did a bad thing in their previous lives and inspired this life to go to a car accident together, the magic of cause and effect is that there will not be one more or one less in the dozens of people on the car. If they do not participate in the joint industry, how can they get on the car? If they participate in the joint industry, they will not get on the bus, You can always catch this bus by chance, either late or by changing tickets.

You know, no matter what we usually encounter, even when two people are fighting, one of them hits your head with a stone, and the blood gushes out. This must have something to do with previous lives, not to mention the traffic accidents related to life rest?

Every person we meet in our life, and everything that happens is not accidental. When you feel the consequences, when people around you are hurt, and when you see a lot of traffic accidents around you, don't think it is God's injustice to people, let alone the illusion that good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years. You should know that these are the reasons planted by everyone!

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