WeChat job search
Easy to follow Happy job hunting Real time grasp of job hunting Recruitment trends
WeChat management of job information is a good opportunity!
Peripheral positions Resume management Job hunting trends Intelligent recommendation
Enter position keyword
You can reply to the position directly, such as accountant, clerk, shopping guide, driver, etc. The system will recommend you to the latest position!
WeChat acceptance of interview notice
You can only activate if you have checked in within 48 hours after accepting the interview notice! Don't miss every interview opportunity
Recommend surrounding positions
Send your position, the system will recommend surrounding positions to you, good job; Still close to home
Refresh existing resume
Refresh your resume anytime and anywhere; Let more enterprises see you first
Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared
Don't let the opportunity be missed. Bind to receive the interview notice at the first time
One click access to resume management
Update your resume whenever and wherever you want, instead of being a "fresh graduate"
Good welfare or high monthly salary
Professional teams screen and re screen once a week to give you the position you most want
Job hunting strategy
Good introduction! Make a good job easier. Interviews are not an issue
Find a job closer to home
According to your position, there are more than 20 suitable positions within 300 meters